Chapter 8

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     Bella started to feel a little off and she really hates this feeling, it's never good. Everything was going good with her and Chris so she just ignored the feeling and did not want to stress too much. Bella could not shake the feeling no matter what because every time she has this feeling she is always right. The feeling is being cheated on or being played. Since Bella and Chris are not officially back together yet, she couldn't say he was cheating. Bella started to lurk on Chris Instagram and found comments from a certain girl and automatically she just knew.
     Bella went to the girl page and found comments from Chris as well. Once Bella find exactly what she's looking for she never speaks on it just yet, her whole attitude changes. In the middle of them texting, Chris asked her what he problem was and Bella showed him the screenshots. "Are you serious? It is just Instagram. You can't be so insecure". said Chris. Bella started to feel really sad because she's not stupid, she knows when something isn't right but she brushed it off and moved on.
     Nothing started to feel the same how it was when they were first dating. Bella started talking to her best friend and told him she was about to move on because she know they will never date again and there's no point of her being there for no reason. Her best friend ended up telling Chris at their football practice and Chris said "As soon as football season is over I'm going to ask her back out I swear I just want to get this out the way so I'll have time for her". Bella understood that and decided to just stay and be patient. Once again, she put his feelings before hers.
Bella still was turning down every boy that came her way and told them all she has a boyfriend. Even though they aren't back together officially, it felt like they were and that was good enough for her. She would even tweet about him even though nobody knew who she was taking about except her best friends. Bella was so happy and just could not wait until it was official again. They even started to have sex again and it felt better than ever.
     Everything was just amazing for them. Football season was finally over and Bella was getting even more excited for that question, but she never got. The feeling was back and even worse than before. Bella hates the feeling of Chris playing her but sadly that feeling was starting to feel normal for her. After awhile she found herself crying to her best friends on the phone all the time and just constantly felt sad.      
     She knew lurking on his page for comments was a bad idea but she couldn't help it. Bella found exactly what she was looking for every time, she hated it. After awhile she started to think to herself, "why am I still here?" she asked herself. Is it because she love him so much? Yes and she hated that. She love him so much that she can't leave him alone.
     After finding certain stuff constantly, she decided to look one last time. She found a comment that broke her heart. Bella was so tired of seeing Chris give so many girls heart eyes and different other emojis but that's not what hurt her. Seeing Chris call somebody else "bae" did it. Bella laid in her bed and just cried to herself.
     Asia couldn't stand to her like that so she forced her to get up. "I'll be there in 15 minutes so get dressed, me and Tiffany will be on the way". Bella wasn't really in the mood to do anything but she was so tired of breaking down and crying, she just had to leave. Asia's mom dropped Bella and Tiffany off at the mall and would be back to pick them up later. Bella was still so down so they were messing with her to make her feel better.

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