Chapter Seven

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This chapter is dedicated to weyhey_harry

Chapter seven is up!

Enjoy !!

I looked at him with wide eyes. Speechless. It's been 2 years. He didn't change much, he still look exactly the same as the last time I saw him. Muscular body, curly hair, and so many tattoos covered his body. He stand there looking so good as a Greek God.

I was very surprised to see him. Slowly I took a step back, I wanna run. I want this floor to swallow me right now and keep him away from the view. I should never see him again. Why does this have to be happened?

I didn't realized that I have been lost in my thoughts for a minute. He snapped his fingers in front of me to woke me from my reverie. I looked up at him, he raised his eyebrow, the look on his face was a mixture of confusion and .... mad?

"Hey!" He snapped his fingers again. "Why are you doing?" He waved a hand at me.

I snapped out of my reverie. I'm so embarrassed. I spontaneously bent down my head. I must look so stupid. Oh, God!

"Are you just gonna stand there?" He asked as he crossed his hands on his chest. " I know my good looks makes you distracted, but you can enjoy it later. Now go in!" He commands.

I froze. I swear I saw a glimpse of smirk on his damned face! The nerve of this boy. Who does he think he is? I felt my blood starts to boil.

Wait a minute.... Why did he said it like that? He looks like he never knew me before. He didn't recognize me? Is it because the way I look? I mean I did change my appearance a little bit, but not too much. Or maybe all this time he had forgotten about me. The fact makes me sad. I feel incongruity in my heart after realizing he didn't recognize me.I mean, yeah, he should forget about me. Isn't this a good thing? I should be happy he didn't recognize me but... Why feel so sad?

"Uh... I.... umm.... I - I will c-clean your room now... Sir." I stuttered. What the hell is wrong with me? Why so hard to speak.

"Follow me" he said. He entered first, I followed him hesitantly.

"Now. I want you to clean this room and wash my clothes, put everything in its place. I want it spotless. Got it?" He said pointing a finger at me.

I nodded. Feeling so intimidated.

"Good" and with that he walked in his bedroom and shut the door, leaving me alone in this room.

What the hell just happened? I just stood there awkwardly like a stone. I was confused. What should I do first? I grabbed a sweep and starts sweeping.

I did everything he want me to do. I swept the floor and mopped it, I wiped the dust that is visible. I put everything on its place. This room is so big for me alone to clean it up. This boy is making me like I was his maid. Am not for God sakes. But fortunately, this room is not too messy so it didn't takes me too long to clean it up.

I'm done with this room, now it's time to wash the clothes... Yes. Clothes. Which means, I had to go into his room and face him again. Argh.

I took a deep hard breaths. Slowly, I approached the door of the bedroom, I knocked it hesitantly. No answers. What is he doing in there? I knocked aagain but still no answer. I paced back and forth, thinking whether I should come in or not. I bite my nails. Argh, whatever.

I grabbed the door handle and twisted it. I opened the door. He's there, fast asleep on his bed. His sleeping figure sprawled on the bed.

I tiptoed towards him not making any noise. I didn't want to wake him up. I crouched near him, I watch his face. He's so cute when he's asleep but creepy when he's not. I smiled at the thought of it.  His eyebrows furrowed occasionally. There's a bit of acne on his face but that doesn't make his hotness lessen. His hair is everywhere.

I felt the urge to stroke his head and run my hand on his tangles. The heck is wrong with me?  It would be embarrassing if he wakes up.

I walked away from him tiptoeing. I grabbed the laundry basket on the corner of the room. Slowly, I made my way out of the room. Finally....

Getting out of his room, I walked towards the elevator. I felt someone following me from behind. I turned around, but there's no one there. It's just me here. I shrugged. I continued my walk again, but I still felt someone was following me. I swear I heard footsteps. I turn around again, and i don't know if its just me hallucinating or I indeed, saw someone in all black stood on the corner of the hallway long enough from me. We made eye contact. His gaze is so deep, I can feel it even from a distance. But then he disappeared on the corner.

I began to feel frightened, I hold tightly the laundry basket in my hand. I quickened my pace towards the elevator. For some reason, I felt paranoid because I'm here alone in this hallway.

Once the elevator opened I quickly got into it. I didn't realized that I'd been holding my breath. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

When I got to the laundry room, I put the dirty clothes in the washing machine. I sighed. I know I will meet him again to return these clothes. I can do it! I know it!

Suddenly, someone patted my back from behind that makes me startled. I felt like I almost had a heart attack.

"Hey! You alright?"

It was Talia. She needs to stop doing that.

"Oh, God. I almost had a heart attack. Don't do that!" I slapped her arm.

She just laughed. I narrowed my eyes at her. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know you'd be surprised like that." She chuckled.

I sighed. "Your apology accepted. But don't do that again. By the way, what brings you here?" I asked.

"Oh I just want to say that there's someone looking for you earlier." She said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Looking for me? Who?" I asked.

"I don't know he didn't said his name." She shrugged. " He asks if you work here, and I said yes. He said that he was an old friend, something like that." She explained.

An old friend? But who? I don't remember I'm gonna meet someone...

"What else does he asks?"

"Well, he asked where you were, and I said you were still working and you'd probably be on the top floor. He thanked me then left." She said.

Well, that was rude.I mean he didn't left any messages.

"How does he looked like?" I asked.

"Hmm... He was wearing a black shirt, black pants, black hat. All black. He's kinda creepy I should say. He also got a little scar on his temple." She pointed at her temple scrunched up her nose.

I feel fear rushed over me. Could it be him? The one I saw at the top floor earlier. Who is he? I feel like I never know him before. And if he wants to see me, then why didn't he approached me?....

Hello everyone! So how do you like it? I hope you do. And I want to say that I changed a bit of the plot, no I actually added it. I have something in my mind about this story and I hope it's good.

I want to remind you again, my first language is not English, so if there's any mistaken words I am sorry.

Please comment and vote if you like, don't forget to share too.
Love ya xo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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