Chapter Three

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Okay so here's the chapter three.

Enjoy everyone x

Two years later:

It's 6 in the morning, I need to get ready for work. I made my way to the bathroom and took a shower. After I finished the shower, I immediately got ready. I wore my hotel uniforms and applied some makeup.

The weather was a bit windy today. I will be cold when I got to the hotel if I didn't wear jacket. I grabbed my jacket and checked out my appearance for the last time and walked out of the room.

"Lucy, I'm going. Thank you for replacing me to take Theo to the childcare. " I said to her. She was bathing Theo.

"No problem, Gen. My shift starts at 9 anyway, so you don't have to worry." she smiled.

"But really thanks so much." I smiled too. I hugged her and kissed Theo on the cheeks. He just giggled. And then I called a taxi.

Fortunately, Lucy is willing to drive Theo to childcare today. I have to go early to the hotel because we were having some problems there.

Theo was a year and 5 months, I gave birth to him normally. I remember when first my mother found out that I was pregnant unexpectedly. Well of course she was very upset, but I told her the whole story. She did not stop crying after that. She kept crying for a long time, while holding me into her arms.

I couldn't hold back my tears and I cried too. She never thought that I would do such a thing. But I assured her that I wanted to do it for her. I want to make her happy. I wanted to make her smile, whatever it takes. However, she said that she was very proud of me for my bold action.

Since that time, she was more eager to fight against the cancer in her body. I am very happy, because my mother's health has increased since then. However, shortly afterwards, the nightmare was coming toward us. My mother died on her bed at midnight because the cancer had spread throughout her body. Doctors said they can't do anything about it. I'm so sad, I was crushed. My mother was the only family I had. I felt like I couldn't see the world like the same again. I felt like my whole world was destroyed right in front of my eyes. My dearest mother left me forever.

She hadn't even seen her grandson. This is the part I was disappointed the most. She should be here to see her grandson. Theo was born two months later, and I fought very hard to maintain my health though I'm grieving at that time. I struggled.

However, I am very grateful, Lucy is always there for me. She has helped me through all this. She lives with us now, especially after my mother gone I don't want to be alone.
That was the worst nightmare for me. I don't even want to remember it again.

Arriving at the hotel I immediately made my way in. There are some employees at the hotel that resigned from the job. So, we have to work extra until there is a new employee. At our hotel, we serve customers whenever and whatever they need. So, if they want us to tidy up their rooms or wash their clothes, we will do it. And now because of our shortage of staff, some of us have to work extra. Including me.

"Good morning, Gen" Barbara greeted me with her toothy smile.

"Morning, Barbara. How are you?" I greeted back returning the smile.

"I'm wonderful. Are you ready for work?" She said cheerfully. She is the head of our staff. She was very kind to us, especially to me because I'm the youngest of them all.

"Yes, as always. Have a good day Barbara." I said as I made my way to my locker and put my stuff there.

After that I start working. Working at this hotel is very tiring sometimes, because when working in the hotel I felt like I am being a maid.

I did everything I had to do. I cleaned up some of the bedrooms on the top floor, some of them just checked out. Barbara said I had to make sure the rooms were neatly arranged. She says there will be some important people who will be staying there. I don't know who, she didn't give so much of a details.

Time for lunch. Ahh, finally. My back hurt because I had to change the sheets in the rooms earlier and my feet aching from having to walk to different rooms. In the cafeteria, I eat next to Talia, my co-workers.

"Hi, Gen. Have a seat next to me." she said me.

"Hi, Tal, and thanks." I said.

"So, Gen. Have you heard it?" She asked while chewing her meal.

"Heard what?" I asked.

" What? you didn't know? The son of the owner of the famous mall in this country would run a business trip here with his colleagues, and he will stay at our hotel. I thought Barbara told you to clean their rooms?" She said frowning.

"Oh, I didn't know about that, Barbara didn't told me either. She only said to clean the rooms in the top floor because some important people will be staying there. I guess it's them?" I asked her.

"Yes, exactly. And you know what the good part is?" She asked eagerly.

"What? Are we going to have an increase in salary?"

"Eh? No, of course not."

"I was gonna say that the son of the owner of the famous mall is a very handsome man."

"Have you seen him before?" I asked.

"Nah, I just heard from a few people. But they said he was a bit of a bad boy, I don't know. Oh and he was an ex member of a band, but I'm not sure what band." She shrugged.

"Wow he must be very rich, eh?"

"Yeah, and I heard that they will be arrive by tomorrow morning. Everyone in the hotel are talking about him, you know" She said with a big grin.

Finally we finished our meal, and then immediately resume our work. I wonder who the man spoken of by Talia earlier. I will find out tomorrow.

So how was it so far? I will update chapter four as soon as I can.

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