Ours- ONE

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Cato's POV

The games could provide me anything I wanted, Fame, Money and such.

But what are those compared to Clove anyway? I'd rather live working my ass out there, just to see her alive.

The feeling I feel when I can't see her is already unbearable for me, what would happen if she will be in the same year as me, and don't exclude the fact that she could die.

I know, I'm so whipped, I admit that but how can you unlove someone so perfect anyway? I adore how she is so brave, so good in knife throwing, so beautiful without trying-

Wait- why do I feel that someone poured COLD WATER on me?

"Finally! I thought you decided to stay there until you die!" I stop daydreaming as I looked up at Clove.

"Aw, come on, don't glare. You embarassed? That's okay, you could daydream again. I'll see you later at Eno's, Girly." She cackled and proceded to leave. If only I didn't love her, I would've point my sword on her.

I go home and find my Mom sitting outside.

"Hi, Cato! How's training honey?" She says as she reached out for her favorite book.

"I'm doing good. How about you Mom? Oh, and I have to go to Eno's later." I give her the book and pecked her cheek.

"Well, that's good to hear, I could say the same. If you're coming over then why don't you go inside and fix yourself? You don't want to be late." She smiles.

"I was about to, I'll go ahead." I said and she just nodded.

Time flew fast and all I knew is I'm sitting here with Enobaria, Brutus, and Clove.

"Okay, so as you both know, you trained almost the same time. Well, you are this year's tributes, you have to volunteer if needed, and make District Two proud by bringing the trophy home." Enobaria says.

"Oh, that's nice. The reapings are nearing and I can't wait." Clove says with a smile.

"How about you, Cato? Aren't you happy that you both of us are a team? This would be a sure win for us!" Clove said and Brutus looks at Me.

"Of course I'm happy, I just need to go somewhere and unwind." I said as I put on a fake smile.

"You may go." Brutus says, and as if I am a Superhero, The moment he said that, I left immediately.

I go to the train station, and one place flashed in my mind, DISTRICT TWELVE.

I leave the train and started walking, its a good sign that I saw the electric fences, which means I'm not lost.

I ran and ran into the forest and screamed as if no one could see or hear, I don't care, I am beyond pissed. Why was this games even made?

And how could Love change my opinions on things? Its as if I became wiser.

I looked back and saw a woman aiming her bow and arrow on me.

"Please, put that down, I mean no harm." I plead.

I stepped nearer and her eyes widened.

"Don't you dare go near, I am warning you, I'll shoot your eye if you do!" And being the stubborn person I am, I challenged her.

"Ah!" I shouted in pain.

"That is what you get for testing me, go nearer and I swear, I won't mind killing a person right now." She says as I clutch my right shoulder

I am lucky I dodged that one.

"Can I atleast know your name?" I said.

"Why would I? And how can I be assured that you aren't a serial killer?- Oh wait, why am I even bothered? I could kill you right here, right now." She glared and rolled her eyes on me. If I weren't a gentleman, I swear I punched the life out of her.

"I am not a serial killer Miss. Now tell me, what's your name?" She sighs and puts her bow and arrows in a log.

"I am Niss. Niss Everdeen." She hesitated then ran away.

Until we meet again, Niss.

So I am Editing the story and changing some of the events and I decided, now is the time for that, I'm not feeling lazy yay!

Watch out for the edited versions of the other chapters and I want to give you my heart (Even if someone claims it without knowing, lol I know #onesidedlove) and all the love.

Christmas is nearing and I'm not feeling it I'll just wish you Happy holidays (and lol omg, I said too much goodbye! Not giving spoilers, I'm 100% sure some details or scenes will be changed.)
And yeah, goodbye. :*

Ps. OMG I love Niss' attitude, What do you think about her?


Ours [Clato] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now