Chapter Sixteen

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Leland's POV:

I glared at the back of Duane Lee's head as we drove back to the office. I could read over his shoulder and I could very clearly see who he was texting. Lola. God he was pissing me off. Every chance he got he was at my house. He was helping Lola with every thing, always making me look bad when he got the chance. 

I knew exactly what he was trying to do. He was trying to bump me out of the picture. He played the knight in shining armor, being the one she could lean on when I wasn't being the man I should be. And I wanted to break his dumb face. What type of human being, let alone brother, does that to his brother? Moves in on his girlfriend whose pregnant with his baby?

I looked out the window beside me, unable to sit there and watch him flirt with my girlfriend. Or baby mama, ex, I don't really know what we are. We're figuring it out and trying what the therapist suggested. So we weren't really using titles, I think. To be honest it was all very confusing to me, as far as I was concerned she was still mine and I was still hers. 

I heard Duane Lee chuckle from the front seat. I gave a low growl.

"Why don't you stop flirting with my damn girlfriend and focus on road? In case you forgot, I have a baby that I need to stay alive for," I snapped. 

Duane Lee put his phone in his lap and looked at me through the rear view mirror, "As these past few months and your behavior has shown, maybe you need to be reminded about the baby."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Boys, shut up," Dad said from the passenger seat, "You're both wrong. Duane Lee, you need to back off and let them work out what they want to work out. Give them a chance. And Leland, if you're going to run around and HIT Lola then you need to get used to the idea of another man raising your child."

I was silent, he was right and I hated it. I still couldn't believe I hit her. Everyday I regretted it and I wanted to make it up to her. I looked down and touched the tattoo on my wrist. I smiled to myself. When we were in high school I had tried to make it up the her that I had kissed Brianna by tattooing her name on me. 

After we had broken up, I had thought about covering it up but every time I made the appointment, I couldn't bring myself to doing it. Even if we weren't together, I knew she still had my heart. It was like a reminder to me. A reminder that if I ever got her back, or anyone else for that matter, to never make the same mistake I had made then. 

When we pulled up to the office, I hopped out of the car not wanting to see Duane Lee. When I got into the office I was greeted with the image of Beth running around, freaking out and cussing a lot. She was hopping on one foot trying to put her other heel on. 

"God dammit Leland call me back!" She yelled into the phone she had in her hand before slamming it down. 

"Hello?" I said. 

Beth whirled around, fire in her eyes. 

"Where the hell have you been?" she yelled. 

"On the hunt."

"Why don't you have a phone? You have a baby on the way. You need to be checking in every minute. Have you heard from Lola?"

My stomach dropped and I began dressing out and ripping off the gear I had on, "What happened? Where is she? Is she and the baby okay?" 

Beth grabbed her keys off the desk, "Let's go."

I followed after her and jumped in the SUV before she even made it to the back door of the office. 

"Beth, tell me what happened," I demanded as we drove along. 

"I don't know. She just called me freaking out. She was dizzy and felt weak, like she does when her blood sugar is really low."

I cursed under my breath. Lola had be diagnosed with gestational diabetes last month. And I had been trying to remind her to eat regularly. She had never been a big eater before the pregnancy so it was hard for her to realize that she needed to change a lot of her eating habits now. 

I didn't even wait for Beth to stop the car before I was out the car and in the house. I threw open all the doors, looking for her. When I opened the bedroom door I found her. She was laying on her side with her eyes closed. She looked kinda pale. 

Dropping to my knees beside her, I shook her gently. After a couple shakes she jumped slightly and opened her eyes. 

"Lola, will you sit up for me please?" I asked gently. 

She shook her head. 

"Why not?"

"When I sit up I get dizzy."

I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Have you eaten anything lately?"

"I had some cereal and apples for breakfast."

I sighed and hung my head then looked back at her, "Lola its 3pm."

I turned to look at Beth who was now standing in the doorway behind me. 

"Beth, get me some cheese."

She nodded and left the room. A few minutes later she came back and handed me a sliced of cheese. 

I helped Lola sit up and gave her the cheese, "Eat this and I'm going to go make you some soup. Okay?"

She nodded and nibbled on the cheese. 

"Stay with her," I said to Beth and disappeared into the kitchen down the hall. 

While I was heating up the soup I heard the front door open. Stepping away from the stove, I peeked into the hallway to see Duane Lee standing there. 

"Why are you here?" I snapped, returning to the stove. 

"Lola texted me," He said following me to the kitchen, "She said she wasn't feeling well so I decided to stop by and see how she's feeling."

"Okay, well you can leave. Her BOYFRIEND and father of her baby is here. We don't need you," I said, pouring the hot soup into the bowl on the table. 

I pushed past Duane Lee and into the bedroom. I held out my hand to Lola. 

"Come on baby, let me help you up."

I placed a hand on her elbow as I braced her, helping her up. I walked her into the kitchen. Duane Lee was pouring a glass of orange juice. He placed it in front of Lola as she sat down. She gave him a grateful smile and muttered a thanks. 

I motioned for Duane Lee to follow me outside. Once we got outside I turned to face him, I was seeing red and I couldn't hold it in any longer. 

"Why are you doing this?!" I yelled, "You sit here and make me look bad in front of Lola. You're over here doting on her. That's my job. That's MY girlfriend and MY baby."

Duane Lee snickered, "Please. You don't need help looking bad. You sit here and you ignore her. You fucking HIT her. Someone needs to take care of her and the baby."


"If you're so sure you're doing a good job then you shouldn't be worried. But if Lola decides she wants a real man, well maybe that's what she'll pick."

"Back the fuck off. Give me a damn chance."

"Fine," Duane Lee snapped, "But you put your hands on her again and I'll rip them from your body."

He walked off and got in his car, driving off. I sighed and had a quick smoke break before going back into the house. Maybe Lola and I could finally have a chance.

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