Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine:

Lola got out of the car, and Brianna saw her.

“I knew it!” She screamed, pulling on Tim’s hold on her towards Lola.

Lola rolled her eyes, “Calm down.”

Brianna spit at Lola. Lola wiped her face and her eyes narrowed.

“Good job Brianna. Now you’ll have a new charge of assault.”

“Please, you have no proof.”

Lola pointed to the Chapmans and the camera crew, “I got all the proof I need.”

Brianna glared at her as Beth shoved her over to the SVU and got in the back seat next to her, Dog getting in the other side. Tim climbed into the driver’s seat and headed towards the jail. Lola walked over to the other car, and climbed into the other side of Sophia, Leland getting in on the right of her. Duane Lee started the car and headed in the same direction as Tim and the rest of the team.

Lola turned to Sophia, “Sophi what happened? I never would’ve pegged you to get involved with drugs.”

Sophia sighed, “No you wouldn’t. But things happen that change your life for good.”

“Like what?”

“Just some shit at school. I turned to drugs to cope and now look where my life is.”

“But Sophi, you can change this. You’re still young.”

Sophia hung her head, “I guess. You have the dream life Lola.”

This shocked Lola. She never saw her life as a dream of perfect in any way, “How?”

“You’re back with the guy you love.”

Lola chuckled, “Yeah. But it’s still not easy. We’re still dealing with the damage of Brianna. And it’s harder now.”

Sophia gave her a curious look.

“I’m pregnant, so it makes it harder and more to think about when you’re trying to work things out.”

Sophia gave her a genuine smile, “Wow. Congratulations. You’re going to be a great mom. Now you as a dad, I don’t know,” she said turning to Leland with a smile, “Just kidding.”

Leland grinned, “Hey, I’m responsible.”

“Yeah, just like Paris Hilton is a virgin.”

Lola giggled, “You haven’t changed either Sophi. I can still see the carefree girl in you that I knew from high school.”

Sophia sighed, “Thanks. I still wish I had your life. All I wanted was to be a teacher, and have a family.”

“It’s not too late. Get yourself straight, and I think I can find you a job, if you still want to work at a daycare.”

Sophia’s eyes lit up, “You mean it?”

Lola smiled and nodded, “Of course. Just don’t make me regret that offer.”


Lola smiled at her again, then leaned to the front and pulled the bag of Chinese food from the passenger seat, “You look hungry.”

Sophia nodded quickly and Lola opened the box of chicken, as Leland moved Sophia’s cuffs to the front. Sophia ate and the rest of the car ride was in silence. When they pulled up to the jail, Sophia slid out of the car, swinging her legs over as Leland lit a cigarette for her. Lola looked up at the entrance of the jail and saw Brianna still giving Beth a hard time before being escorted into the jail for booking.

“See? You don’t want to be like her,” Lola said, nodding towards Brianna. Sophia looked up, “You still can change things around. Get your stuff straight tonight and we’ll get you back out and I’ll help you get a job and everything. But promise me when you get in there you’ll call your mom.”

Sophia nodded and finished her cigarette. Lola gave her a hug and then Sophia followed Duane Lee into the jail. Lola leaned against the car and Leland came over to her standing in front of her gently placing his hands on her hips.

“You know, I think you’d have a real knack for this job, he said, kissing he forehead.

Lola smiled and shrugged, “I guess. But I like working with kids more. It’s easier.”

Leland leaned down and placed a kiss on her neck before biting her ear gently, “It was kind of sexy to see you in action.

Lola giggled, his kisses sending shivers up her spine, “Thanks babe.”

She pulled him away from her ear and gave him a soft kiss, “I love you.”

“I love you too dear,” Leland said with a smile.

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