Chapter Eighteen

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I was laying in the hospital bed in extreme pain, waiting for the doctor. Leland should've been right next to me, holding my hand and soothing me. Instead, he was pacing the room grumbling to himself about the asshole. I rolled my eyes as another wave of pain hit me.

"Leland, how about to stop bitching and come be with me. I kinda need you right now," I snapped at him.

He came over to my side, rubbing my shoulder, "I'm sorry babe. I'm just worried."

"I know, I am too. But I need you to be here for me. Right here, right now."

Leland nodded. We sat there in silence as we waited for the doctor.

Four hours later, I was released from the hospital, babyless. I mean, I still had the baby, but he wasn't born yet. The doctor had told me that the pain and contractions were probably because of the trauma from being pushed. But after checking the baby and the heartbeat, he assured me that the baby was healthy enough and didn't need an emergency delivery. He assigned me to bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy. How was I supposed to do that? Be in the bed for another month? I was going to go insane.

"Well I'm glad the baby is doing okay," Leland commented on our way home.

I nodded, "I am too. But I don't know what I'm going to do being in bed all day."

Leland reached over, taking my hand, "It'll be okay. I'll be there for you. I'll take the next couple weeks off and help you out as much as I can."

I gave him a grateful smile, "Thank you so much baby."

I sightly disobeyed the doctors orders the next day as Leland and I went over the Dog and Beth's for dinner.

"Aloha," Beth said, with a smile as she opened the door. I waddled my way into the house.

"So how are you feeling? How's my grandson?" Dog asked, walking in from the back porch.

"He's doing alright. He's been pretty active lately," I commented, taking a seat and the glass of water offered to me.

"Hey guys!"

I turned to see Duane Lee walking into the house. Lyssa followed behind him with her husband and kids. I smiled at them calling out a hello. I watched Leland's body language around his brother. He was tense and I could tell as he glared at him. I frowned, it was stressful to be in the middle of this. I truly cared about Duane Lee. I had known him and the rest of the family for a long time. I cared about all of them. But I felt like my relationship with Duane Lee was causing problems with Leland, especially considering the feelings Duane Lee had for me. I know it made Leland uncomfortable. But I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't want to give up this friendship.

Duane Lee sat across from me, "How are you feeling Lola?"

"I'm doing alright. Really uncomfortable but otherwise I'm okay."

He nodded, "Good."

There was an uncomfortable silence over the table. I fidgeted in my seat, the tension was unbearable. I was so thankful when Beth came in bringing food. Soon everyone was eating instead of talking and it alleviated the tension a lot. After dinner the guys and the girls kinda split up.

Leland kissed the top of my head, "I love you. Let me know if you need anything."

I nodded, "I love you too."

Once the guys left it was just me and Lyssa sitting at the table. She was trying to wipe her youngest child's face.

"So are you looking forward to all of this?" she asked, looking at me with a grin.

"Oh yeah. And all the sleepless night, they make me just giddy thinking about it," I added with a laugh.

Lyssa joined me in laughing before her expression became serious, "So how is everything with you and my brother?"

I sighed, "We're still working on things. But otherwise, things are doing very well. We're just taking it one day at a time and getting ready for the baby." I rubbed my stomach gently.

"How goes the bed rest?"

I groaned, "It's so boring. I don't have anything to do. Leland offered to stay home but I don't think it's for the best. I mean he needs to still make a paycheck. Especially since I'm not working as much as I could with being on maternity leave."

"I've been staying home more now that it's summer and the kids are out of school. Maybe we could hangout some."

I nodded, "That would be nice."

After a bit I got a little bored with the girl talk and headed outside with the guys. Leland, Dog and Duane Lee were sitting around the patio table. They seemed in to be in a deep conversation. I took my seat next to Leland.

"You okay babe?" he asked softly.

I nodded, "Just a bit tired."

"Why don't you go lay down?" Dog offered, "You guys can stay here tonight."

"I probably should go lay down," I said, standing again.

Leland helped me upstairs to the guest room/ his old room. I got into the bed, closing my eyes to get some rest. I woke up a bit later, my mouth dry. Leland was next to me but he was snoring loudly. I decided to let him sleep and get the water myself. As I shuffled into the kitchen, I was surprised to find the light on.

It was late now and no one should be awake at this time. Walking into the kitchen I found Duane Lee sitting at the kitchen table, scrolling through something on his phone.

"Hey," I said softly, not trying to startle him. He looked up and smiled at me.

"Hey Lola. You okay?"

I nodded, walking over to the sink and filling a glass of water. I took a seat next to him, sipping my water.

"So what are you doing awake?" I asked, "I would've thought you would be home by now."

"I couldn't sleep. And honestly I was hoping to talk to you."

"What about?"

"Are you happy?"

I was surprised at how blunt he was. It took me a moment to answer, "Yeah, I'm happy."

"Really?" he asked, putting his phone down and giving me all his attention, "Are you completely happy with my brother?"

I nodded, "I am. Why?"

"How do you know he won't do what he did before? That he won't hit you and disrespect you?"

I shook my head, "I don't. But I have to trust that he wants what's best for us."

"But don't you want to be with someone who you know for sure will protect you and do the best for you and the baby?"

I stared him down, "Like you?"

He grinned and nodded. I sighed, shaking my head.

"Duane Lee, I care about you. A lot. I really do. But with your flirting, you're putting me in a tough spot with Leland. He just gets so angry with you when you're around me. And I want to keep being friends with you, you've been a really good friend to me. But you have to ease off a bit or else nothing is going to get better between you and Leland or Leland and I."

"But I care about you more than a friend. I can't stand it when you're hurting, especially when I know I can give you so much more," Duane Lee said softly, leaning over and placing his hand on my stomach, rubbing it gently, "And so much more for the baby."

I sighed, gently placing my hand over his, "Please. For me. If you care so much about me, just let me do what I need to do to make sure me and my family are happy and healthy. And whatever happens, just let the chips fall where they may."

Duane Lee let his hand drop and nodded, "Okay Lola. For you I'll do that. But just know I will always be there for you, no matter what."

I nodded and smiled at him, "I know Duane Lee. Thank you."

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