Chapter Seventeen

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I groaned and leaned back in the office chair. I was 8 months pregnant and felt like I was going to pop at any minute. I was on maternity leave but I hated just sitting at home doing nothing. So a couple days a week I came into the office and helped with the filing while every one was out on the hunt.

I looked across the office at Lyssa.

"Hey Lyssa. I'm starving."

She nodded in agreement and looked up from her desk, "Wanna go to the smoothie shop down the way."

I smiled and nodded. We collected out stuff, telling Wes we would be out of the shop for a minute and asked him if he needed anything.

"The breeze feels great," I said, closing my eyes and leaning my head back slightly.

"Yeah. It good to get out of that freezing office and stretching your legs," Lyssa said as we arrived at the shop.

We were on our way back when Lyssa stopped dead in her tracks.

"Lola, Go back to the office and call the guys."

I looked around, "Why?"

Not taking her eyes off her target, Lyssa spoke, "That guy standing outside the apartment there, he's wanted."

I nodded and slowly stepped away.

"SHIT," Lyssa cursed loudly. The guy had spotted her and was about to take off, "FREEZE MOTHERFUCKER."

She quickly darted after him as he turned around the corner. As I saw them disappear behind the corner I quickened my pace back to the office. I was only a couple feet from the door when I heard footsteps behind me and someone yell "WATCH OUT!"

I turned around in time to see the fugitive. He pushed me aside harshly as he passed. Being so damn top heavy I began to topple backwards. I flailed looking for something to grab on to balance myself. When that failed, I braced myself and fell backwards against the window of the shop.

Lyssa stopped by my side, "Are you okay?"

"Go, go," I said, shooing her. I stood back up and went into the shop.

I told Wes what happened and he called the guys as I went to sit down. About an hour later, the front door opened and a herd of people came through the door. Dog was the head of the herd, followed by Beth and Lyssa. Duane Lee and Leland were behind them, hold the fugitive who had knocked me down.

"Sit him down," Dog said, pointing to the couch.

After they got him situated, Leland came to me.

"How are you feeling baby?"

"Okay after that guy pushed me down."

"What?" Leland snapped, "That fucker pushed you?"

I nodded slowly. "Are you okay??" He demanded.

"Baby, I'm fine."

But Leland wasn't listening he was already going for the other guy.

"You push my girlfriend, my pregnant girlfriend? I'll KILL YOU!" he screamed. Dog was pulling him back. But in that moment Beth took the vantage point and charged at him.

"You pushed a pregnant woman??" Duane Lee grabbed her around the waist and spun her around away from him.

"Call the police. I don't want to take this scum back in. Press charges, now," Dog said.

A couple of hours later, the cops took the guy away and every one had calmed down. Leland was holding my hand, rubbing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I'm glad you're okay," he said, whispering in my ear.

I kissed him cheek.

"I kinda liked seeing you fly off the handle. It was kinda hot. You've never protected me like that before."

"I always have. You don't remember me knocking out that hot head in high school?"

I shook my head. Leland sighed and rolled his eyes, "Of course you don't."

I smiled at him, "Oh hush. I remember plenty of the things you do for me."

"Mhm," he said, with a smile.

I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. We weren't at the office for much longer before every one decided to just call it a day. I was waiting for Leland in the front office when I felt a sharp pain in my side. I pressed my hand into my side and let out a slow breath. I closed my eyes tightly, when another wave of pain hit.

"Lola, are you okay?" Duane Lee asked, coming over to my side.

"I just- just have some cramps," I whispered harshly between twinges of pain.

I let out a groan of pain. Duane Lee put his arm around my shoulders, taking my hand and bracing me as he walked me over to couch. He helped me arrange myself so that I was laying back before he left. A couple minutes later Beth and Leland were beside me.

"Are they contractions?" Beth asked me, taking my hand and looking at his watch.

"I don't know!" I snapped, "I've never had a kid before! It just feels like cramps from hell."

Leland was stoking my hair, I assume to be calming but I just wanted to hit him. I didn't want anyone touching me. I HATED being touched when I was in pain. I pushed Leland away and held my side again as another wave of pain hit.

"Leland," Beth spoke up, "I think we may need to take her to the hospital."

"But she's not due yet," he argued.

"It doesn't matter!" she hissed, "Pregnancies don't go as planned. And after the trauma to her body today, being pushed, who knows what is wrong with her or the baby."

"I swear to God if anything is wrong I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch," Leland growled.

I rolled my eyes, "Shut the fuck up! Everyone. I don't know if you know this but, uh yeah. I have a BABY inside me and I'M IN PAIN. DO SOMETHING AND MAKE IT STOP."

Did I ever mention I had the worst pain tolerance in the world? Every time I was in pain I became the biggest bitch in the world. I don't care what we have to do, but I need the pain to stop. And I want to make sure that my baby was okay.

After much cussing and yelling, from me, they got me into the SUV and headed to the hospital. I didn't give the dumb nurse time to triage me. I simply screamed in pain, giving her enough clue that I needed to see someone NOW. Leland and I were quickly escorted to the labor and delivery unit and placed in a room. I laid in the bed, whining and moving around trying to get comfortable. However, that just wasn't going to happen.

I was excited and nervous. I was ready to have our baby here but I wasn't ready for it to come with a cost. I hope everything is okay, and if I have to have a baby today, I hope they're okay.

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