Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

Lola sat on the couch, twirling the ring around her finger, leaning against Leland, careful of his bandages. Leland looked over at her.

“What’s up babe? You’ve been quiet this whole movie,” He said, pausing the movie and turning to her.

Lola shrugged, “Just thinking I guess.”

“What about?”

“Well, when I was driving to the hospital to see you, I was wondering if it was fair to bring a child into this madness, when there is such a high risk of you getting hurt,” Lola confessed.

Leland’s breath hitched and his eyes widened slightly, “Um, what do-what do you want to do?” he asked, fearing the worst.

“I’m just thinking that whether we are together or not raising this kid, it doesn’t matter, the risk is still there. And it’s even more unfair to raise him separately when there is no reason to. Both parents love each other and want the best for him,” she replied, casually.

Leland chuckled a little, “Didn’t realize so much was going on in that brain of yours. But I’m glad you aren’t scared off.”

“I’ve been with you long enough to assume the risks myself. The time to run was a long time ago,” she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Lola stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around herself; she walked out into the bedroom to get dressed. She was going to the office today to help Beth and the family to make up for Leland’s absence. She pulled on a pair of leggings and a long sweater; she pulled on her Ugg boots as she headed back to the bathroom to do her hair and make-up.

Walking out into the kitchen, she found Leland sitting at the table, looking at something on the computer.

“Morning,” she greeted him, grabbing a box of cereal from the cupboard along with a bowl and milk.

“Morning love,” he said looking up.

Lola walked over and gave him a quick kiss before sitting next to him, “So what are you looking at?”


Lola raised her eyebrows, “Already?”

Leland nodded, with an excited grin on his face, “I kind of like this one.”

He pointed to a picture of a dark cherry wood crib. Lola nodded, “It’s nice. But I want to find out the gender before we do anything major when it comes to decorations.”

“But that’s like five months away,” Leland whined.

“Well, if you’re so impatient to do something for the baby, start cleaning out the extra room. Get all the junk out and get it ready to paint and everything.”

“Alright, I can do that. So are you excited to see what a day in the life of the great Leland Chapman is like?” He said with a playful grin.

Lola rolled her eyes, cleaning up her bowl and dumping it into the sink, “I’ve already done this before.”

Leland got up and stretched, wincing slightly when a twinge of pain went through his side. Lola noticed and walked over, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Don’t over push yourself while I’m gone. And take your pills if you need to.”

Leland pulled her close, “You know I hate taking pills.”

“Stop being stubborn.”

Leland sighed, “Fine.”

He buried his face into the crook of her neck, placing soft kisses. Lola giggled.

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