It has been one month sense Bennett first showed up and I haven't seen him since the night with Scott. Until today that is. Scott had just left to go and get us lunch when the room got freezing.
"Bennett..." I called out.
There was no response.
"Bennett please... I want to help you..." I said wearily.
I shut my eyes and when I opened them Bennett was standing about 10 feet away from me. I took a deep breath.
"What is wrong Bennett?"
His black eyes met my brown ones.
"She is back... People are getting hurt."
I gasped and stepped back. This cannot be happening.
"I thought... I thought I killed her..." I said my eyes wide with fear.
He shook his head sadly.
"She has been hiding away, waiting for the right moment." He said quietly.
I shook my head. This cannot be happening. This cannot be happening.
"She wants you dead... She wants you to pay for what you've done" he said sadly. "You need to kill her while she is still weak... Before she gets the power to touch you."
I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands. My head was spinning and I felt nauseous. I heard Scott come in. I felt the couch shift as he sat right beside me.
"Mitchy..." He said.
I didn't move.
"Mitch... Please look at me."
I looked up and our eyes met. He gasped. I was so pale I might as well be translucent and my eyes were still huge.
"Are you alright Mitch? You look like you've seen a ghost." I couldn't help it. I laughed darkly. He frowned.
"Let's go eat." He said lacing his fingers with mine.
As he ate I stared blankly at my food and thought about what Bennett had said. She never died... And she wants me dead.
I couldn't take it, I stood up and ran into the bathroom, emptying the content of my stomach into the toilet.
Scott ran in and I squeeze my eyes shut. He walked over but I waved him away. I don't want him to see me like this.
I stood up and washed my face off.
Paranoia had taken over and I was too scared to look in the mirror. Instead I walked to Scott and sat beside him.
"It must have just been a bug." I said. "I am going to lie down."
I went to my room and shut the door. I sat down on the edge of my bed. My mind was racing but I finally closed my eyes and lied down. When I opened my eyes I saw something on my wall that made me want to scream. I clasped a hand over my mouth to keep in my screams. On my wall were the words 'You. Will. Pay' in red. I looked around my room and to my horror I saw her, standing in the corner. Her black hair was covering her face and she was wearing a bloody nightgown. Her white teeth smiled maniacally through her hair. I couldn't take my eyes off her for I feared that if I did she would hurt me.
"Mitch!" Scott called.
I turned towards my door and when I turned back she was gone, as was the bloody writhing on my walls. I stood up and noticed my whole body was shaking. I walked slowly to the living room to Scott sitting on the couch.
"Avi just called. We are going I have a quick rehearsal." I nodded and he frowned.
"Are you alright Mitch..."
"I am fine. Let's go."When we arrived at the studio I was met by Kirstie who wrapped me in a hug. I smiled at her.
"Are you guys ready to practice? I thought we should run through Aha first." Kevin said.
"One second. Kirstie. May I talk with you alone?" I said. She looked scared but nodded. I grabbed her hand in pulled her into another room.
"Kirstie... She's back..." I said trying not to cry.
"What! Are you fu€king kidding me!" She yelled.
"Kirstie! Please be quite!"
She started pacing around the room.
"How is this possible! I though you got rid of her years ago!" She looked at me
"I thought I did! Bennett warned me and I woke up a little while ago to the words you will pay written in blood and he standing in the corner of my room." I had to admit, I am terrified.
She hugged me.
"Mitch... I won't let her hurt you! But I think you need to tell everyone else! They might be able to help."
I ran my fingers through my hair.
"I will tell them soon... I promise." I said.
We left the room, both shaken and frightened.
We started aha and I saw her standing across the room. I kept singing, trying to ignore her. She smiled at me and she was gone. But then I felt my vision start to slip. Everything was dark and blurry.
I stopped singing and my breathing became deep and labored.
"Mitch! What happened?" Avi said.
"I can't see..." I said quietly.
I heard him gasp and I felt a warm liquid dripping down my face. I whipped it and saw blood on my hands before I blacked out.Avi
"One second. Kirstie. May I speak to you alone?" Mitch asked.
She nodded and he grabbed her hand before pulling her out of the room.
Kevin Scott and I exchanged glances when we suddenly hear Kirstie screaming.
"What! Are you fu€king kidding me!" She yelled. We all jumped a bit at her voice. Then we couldn't hear them again. When they emerged a few minutes later they had so many emotions on their faces. We jumped right into aha but about 3/4 through Mitch stopped. His breathing changed and he was struggling for air.
"Mitch, what happened?" I asked walking to him.
"I can't see..." He said quietly, his voice shaking.
I looked at his eyes, which were milky white. I gasped as I saw blood dripping from the corners of his eyes. He wiped his eyes and looked down at his hands. Then his eyes shut and he fell.
Scott and everyone ran over and Scott screamed when he saw the blood slowly dripping from Mitch's eyes. Kevin looked scared and Kirstie looked absolutely terrified.
"We need to take him to the ER now." Scott said.
"No!" Kirstie shouted. She knelt by Mitch's and wiped away the blood with her sleeve.
"What!?! Kirstie he is bleeding from his eyes!" Kevin yelled
"And the doctors can't do anything about it!" She yelled back.
Scott tried to scoop up Mitch but Kirstie was blocking him. She wrapped Mitch in her arms and wouldn't let any of us touch him.
"What is going on? I know you know! Something is going on and you and Mitch are keeping it from us!" Scott said angrily.
"Yes! But it is not my choice! If you want to know you will have to get Mitch to tell you himself!" She said.
Mitch opened his eyes and they were back to normal.
He sat up and looked around at us.
"Shoot..." He mumbled.
Kirstie grabbed his hand.
"Mitch... They deserve to know."
He sighed. "Fine. But not now. Can we just hang out and tell scary story's or something?" He asked.
"Sure..." Kevin said.
We sat in a circle and Mitch took a seat on Scott's lap.
"I'll go first." He said.
"It all started in the year 1874. There was a young boy, a wife and a husband. They were a happy family but one night the wife started acting strange. The family sat on the couch reading books. The father went to put the little boy to bed and when he returned his wife was not herself. She had no eyes and blood streaking her face. She stabbed the husband and then locked the little boy in his room after setting it on fire.
When the woman awoke the next morning to find her house burned down along with her husband and son she couldn't live with herself. The ghost of the little boy wondered around, lost for hundreds of year. But one year he met a young boy, about 9 years old, who could see him and talk to him. Years later The boy and the ghost tried to defeat the evil spirit that possessed his mother all those many years ago. They thought the succeeded until one day, about 8 years later when the ghost returned to the boy, who was grown up now. He warned the boy that she was back and wanted him dead. The man woke up one morning to find her in his room along with the words you will pay written in blood." He said.
"What happened next?" I asked. It was quite creepy.
"I don't know..." He said looking at the ground.
"What do you mean?"
"This story is true... And we haven't gotten that far yet... I am the little boy and the ghosts name is Bennett. I have know Bennett since I was 9..." He said.
"What!?!" We all said at the same time.

Secrets (up for adoption)
FanfictionMitch has been keeping a secret from Scott. I secret he has been keeping from everyone his whole life. Only Kirstie knows. Mitch can talk to ghosts. When a ghost he knew as a child returns to Mitch begging him for help. But this is so much bigger th...