I was released from the hospital and was more the ready to get home. Scott kept looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I tried to act normal, which was hard considering the circumstances.
We pulled into a parking lot outside of a park.
"Mitch... What happened?" He asked turning towards me and grabbing both my hands in his own.
"I don't know." I said.
He sighed.
"Mitch... Please just tell me? You know you can trust me with anything..." I sighed.
"I know." I said avoiding his eyes. "But this isn't about trust, this is about keeping you safe." I said. He let go of one of my hands and moved it up to my chin.
"Mitchy... I need to know... I was so scared when I saw you like that." He said I looked at him.
"I am so sorry Scott. But please don't ask me again." I said turning away from him and putting my safety buckle back on. He started the car and we drove home, his hand never leaving mine. When we got home I walked into the kitchen to start dinner. I was staring blankly at the wall as I tried to remember the dream I kept having.I was sitting on a couch. Besides me were Bennett and a woman. His mother. My wife. We sat side by side, her arm around my waist. She hadn't been acting like herself lately.
"I am going to put Bennett to bed." I said, lifting the small sleeping boy in my arms. I walked upstairs into a quaint room. I layed him gently down and pulled up his covers. I kissed his head and walked down stairs. I went to sit down.
"Darling?" I said. She didn't move.
"Darling?" I tried again, louder this time. Still nothing. I moved so I was looking at her face and I screamed, tumbling backwards. Her face was pale and had bloody streaks across it. Her eyes where gone and her mouth was open. She stood up and started moving towards me. I struggled to get away but she was incredibly fast. She grabbed my leg and pulled me down. I fell and smacked my head in the table corner. She picked me up by the throat
And let out a horrible scream. I felt something being stabbed through my side and she pulled a knife out of me. She kicked me down and I watched as she raised it again before plunging it into my heart.
My perspective changed.
I am standing in the corner of the room looking at the mans dead body, the knife handle sticking out of his chest. The woman (if you could still call her that) stood and walked into the kitchen. She grabbed a lighter and snuck into Bennetts room. She lit his curtains in fire before moving to his bed. She then lit him and his bed on fire. Bennetts eyes flew open from the pain and he started screaming but the woman had left... And locked Bennett in his room.
She ran outside the house and into the forest surrounding it before falling to the ground. When her eyes opened she saw the house, now just a pile of ashes. She put her hands to her mouth and cried. Once she realized what she had done she had hung herselfI gasped and was pulled back to reality by Scott, who was shaking me and saying my name.
"Scott." I breathed, pulling him close and letting out my tears on his shoulder.
"Shhh... Mitch. It's okay. I am here." He said rubbing my back.
"Can-can I go lye down?" I asked.
He picked me up in his arms and carried me to his room.
"This is your room."
He smiled and nodded. He lifted the covers and set me down carefully before climbing in next to me. He pulled me to his chest and tugged the blankets up. I shut my eyes and breathed in his cologne. He kissed the top of my head. I wrapped my arms around him and we entangled our legs. And it was like that I fell asleep.When I woke up he was standing in the corner of the room, looking at us. At me. I wrapped myself around Scott and squeezed shut my eyes.
"Please..." He said.
I started crying.
"I can't Bennett... I can't risk getting Scott hurt in the crossfire. Maybe later but right now I am- I am just not strong enough to win this war... I am so sorry..." I cried.
"Mitch..." Scott said but I was crying so hard.
"I am so... So sorry..." I kept crying over and over, even though I know he left. I could faintly hear Scott on the phone.
"He won't stop crying and repeating 'I am so sorry' over and over for the last 45 minutes." He was quite for a second.
"He was talking about Bennett and how he couldn't win and that he is sorry."
"Okay... Thanks" he said.
He pulled me into his lap.
"Please don't cry bear... I can't stand to see you cry." I hate making Scott sad.
I slowed my breathing and hugged Scott around the waist.
He sighed in relief and held me close, giving off his body heat.
"I am so sorry Scott."
"For what bear?"
I sighed. "I want to tell you but I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt."
He rubbed my back.
"You can tell me when you are ready. Just know that I can help you with whatever it is." He said. I couldn't help it. I kissed him. Hard. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he started to tug at my shirt. I helped him slip it off and we didn't slow down.I woke up the next morning alone. I sighed. Of course he would leave me. I had a huge breakdown last night. I couldn't help it, I stated crying again. I usually never cry but ever since Bennett came back I have been so scared and sad. I grabbed a pillow and hugged it tight to my chest.
"Mitchy..." Scott said from the door way. I looked up at him. He was in only his boxers and he had a glass of water in his hand. He walked over slowly, as if he were trying not to scare me. He carefully took me into his arms.
"Please don't cry baby..." He said wiping the tears that were falling down my cheeks.
I hugged him.
"What's wrong?"
"Everything..." I said under my breath.
"What?" He said.
"You deserve better then me." I said.
"What do you mean."
"I am sitting in your lap as you dry my tears... You don't deserve this. You deserve to wake up next to a boy who will kiss you good morning, who won't spend everyday afraid."
"Mitch... I don't want that. I want you, I don't care about anything else. You are perfect. I want to be here comforting you." He said kissing my cheek.
I sighed.
"I love you so much Scott Hoying."

Secrets (up for adoption)
FanfictionMitch has been keeping a secret from Scott. I secret he has been keeping from everyone his whole life. Only Kirstie knows. Mitch can talk to ghosts. When a ghost he knew as a child returns to Mitch begging him for help. But this is so much bigger th...