Chapter 29 : BlackMail

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| Jhene |

   3 months later

I hopped out of bed and wobbled to the bathroom as quick as I could . I squatted and began relieving my bladder . When I finished I washed my hands and wobbled into the living room . The time read 9:52 pm and Julian should've been home by now . I walked into the kitchen and fixed our plates wrapping the rest of the food up and putting it into the fridge . I warmed my food up and sat down on the couch eating .  The baby started kicking and I rubbed my belly softly .

" Daddy's Almost home be calm " I spoke sweetly and she kicked again twice .

" Well just be patient ." I giggled and she kicked again .

I rolled my eyes and smiled . I continued eating until I heard the front door open . I looked back and Julian walked in .

" Hey Babe ." I smiled

" Hey Baby , I'm sorry about the time we had a meeting that lasted longer than usual ." He pecked my lips then my stomach .

" She was about to go crazy " I rolled my eyes and he laughed walking into the bedroom .

The phone started ringing and I walked into the kitchen to grab it .

" Hello ?" I answered

" Turn around slowly " the voice said

" Who is this ? If this you ke stop playing hoe " I laughed and Julian shook his head .

" Turn.the fuck. Around " they said slowly

I looked at Julian and turned around slowly . I was facing the patio windows , but no one was outside . Julian took a deep breathe and almost sobbed .

" Baby whatever you do , do not move please " he shouted

I began to panic while my chest rised up and down quickly . I wasn't fearing for my life , but my daughters . I closed my eyes and tried to catch my thoughts .

" Now this is what I want you to do .
When I hang up your going to leave Julian . I want you to leave the house and I want you not to come back . "

" Why ..?" I cried

" JUST DO IT BITCH ! Or else " the line went dead .

I wrapped my arms around my waist and cried harder . Julian came to hug me . A shot burst the windows and I screamed . That was the warning shot . I looked at Julian .

" I'm leaving .." I sobbed

" We can leave together let me go pack our stuff baby just stay calm .."

" NO ! I'm leaving you Julian . My life was never this complicated until I met you . You can see the baby when she's born , after that were leaving ." I cried

My heart was breaking just saying those words . I watch the man that I was in love with break in front of me . He reached for me and I snatched away .

" Please baby please don't do this " he cried wrapping his arms around my waist .

" goodbye Julian " I whispered

I walked as quickly as I could and started packing clothes . When I was finished I hurried past him and jumped in the car . When I sat down in the driver seat I cried . I sobbed loudly and looked around me . My cell rung and I answered.

" good job . I know it hurts , but it was for the better . Leave . Now" they said and hung up .

I pulled out the yard and rushed to Ryan's house . When I made it I banged on the door . He opened it wide eyed and confused .

" What the hell happened nae ?!!!" He screamed and walked me to the couch

" Some-someone is trying to kill me . I can-can't breathe." I cried

  " Calm down nae ! Where the fuck is Julian !" He screamed

On que Julian called and Ryan answered . I sat back and took deep breathes . Pain was shooting through my abdomen and I felt lightheaded. " Calm down jhene you got this " I told myself .

" Jhene why? Why did you leave him ? What did they say ?" He asked

I opened my mouth to tell him , but the text I got scared me to death .

Unknown : if you want to live , keep quiet 😘

  I dropped the phone and cried . Ryan picked it up and scream .

" FUCK !" 

I cried louder and rocked myself back and forth . I couldn't take this anymore . This life is killing me , literally.  I promise if I made it out of this in moving the hell away from Georgia as possible .

" Julian .. I think it's more complicated than you think . " he explained

" What's your favorite color Julian ?" Ryan asked

Ryan looked at me and sat down . He grabbed a pen and told me to write the answer down. I looked at him quizzically , but caught on quickly . He put Julian on speaker .

" What is it Julian ?" He asked

" black man ! Black " Julian sniffed " what the hell is this going to do ? " he asked

" Showing how much yall should really be together ." Ryan said , " See jhene got it right "

" Ask him what's one thing I always yell at him about ?" I said desperate for him to get it right .

" Leaving the toilet seat up " he groaned " is that why you left ? I'll do better " he cried

" No no the other thing " I cried

" Not getting the Mail " he said and Ryan clapped .

" Yall should be together because of that nigga !" Ryan yelled

" because my favorite color black and I hate getting the mail ?" Julian asked

I began nodding like he could see me . I wanted for him to realize what I was saying so bad .

" Maybe if the mail was black you would get it " Ryan said trying to hold , but I knew he was serious

" Nigga they don't make black ma- ohh oh shit oh shit !" Julian screamed

I exhaled and clapped my hands . Tears began rolling down my fast and Ryan hugged me . I sobbed into his chest .

" I'll handle this .." Julian said before hanging up .

All I could hope was that he really would . 💔


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