Chapter 8: Blessin'

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" You Ain't Gotta Cry No More , I Ain't Telling You I'm Perfect But For You Ill Go To War " -KCAMP

Jhené POV

It's been a couple weeks since the whole night everything happen and to say Kilana is ok will even be a understatement , but how would you feel if you sister slept with the love of your life ? I called her phone but it was disconnected . Raine called her mom and she said she won't come out of her room . From my understanding Kiana lives with their Grandmother now and she still mugs me and talks to Julian behind my back but I know everything. Anyway I'm at Panera Bread getting Kilana something to eat with Raine , Ke and Lalah . We pulled up to her house and knocked on the door . This pretty Lightskin lady that looks in her mid 30s opened the door .

" Hi I'm Jhené I called about Kilana ?"

" Oh yes sweety I'm Diane it's nice to finally meet you , and I'm glad she has TRUE friends like y'all . It hurts my heart that my daughter would betray her family over a nigga " she said wiping a tear

" it'll be okay mrs. Diane everything in life is a lesson for a blessing coming " I said hugging her

" I know sweety thanks , but y'all can go on up and see if she will talk"

We walked upstairs and knocked in Kilana's door . Raine opened it and it was dark as hell . We started walking until we saw glass and picture frames on the floor , cut up clothes and teddy bears .

" this bitch slick crazy " Kiera whispered and Raine nodded

We walk to her bed and she laid under the covers with her eyes closed . I figured she was sleep until she darted her eyes at us . She looked away toward the wall and started crying . The one glare I had at her eyes told it all . The hurt and betrayal was written all over her face . Plus she was stinky but I'm not going to say that .

" Kilana I brought you food wifey " I said softly .

" No thanks " she replied raspy . I can tell she hasn't talked in days .

" you need to eat Kilana .. "

" And shower " Raine said while I narrowed my eyes at her

" what it's true " she shrugged " I'm saying this because I love you Kilana I know it hurts but it'll get better " Raine said

" You .. You can love somebody so much and give them you all and .. You still end up heartbroken . You can trust someone with every inch of you being only to be misguided and let down . I ... I loves him y'all " she cried heavily " I'm would give my last breathe from him and that's why it hurts do much . My sister ! My own blood ? What did she have I didn't huh ? What was it ?"

" Baby I know your hurting , but listen Lana , your so beautiful . It's not about what she had that you didn't . See you can love somebody so much that you lose yourself Kilana , and that's when you have to stop and reevaluate everything because you should NEVER Love somebody more than you love yourself " I Said

" It's a lesson Lana .. Everything god puts us through is a lesson and you have to take this Fall then get up , brush it off and keep going . I know you love him and I'm not saying hate him and I'm not saying you shouldn't take him back I'm just saying take your time like Nae said and get yourself together . Fall back and fall in love with yourself , Then go from there but never lose yourself bae " Raine preached

" I understand y'all . I love y'all .. I guess blood ain't always thicker than water " she sighed

" Hell na cause if you put a little cherry Koolaid with some sugar in that shit it look the same " Kiera joked and we all laughed .

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