Chapter 4: Joke types continued

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Joke type 4: practical jokes
These are just plain hilarious, if you like to see people freak out over nothing. Who doesn't? Practical jokes is just a fancy way of saying prank.
Example: The rope trick
In this prank, two people stand on opposite sides of the road, and when a car comes, both pretend to stretch the "rope" and usually the driver slows down or stops. This can be funny, but be careful! Some people don't take jokes lightly!

Remember to be careful with practical jokes. They can be funny, but also dangerous. Make sure your prank won't seriously harm the person it is targeted at.

Joke type 5: sarcasm
Ah, sarcasm what a great form of comedy. See that? That was sarcasm. Anyone, and I mean anyone, and do sarcasm. You just exaggerate everything and call things that are universally considered bad good, but in a certain tone as to say, "I'm being sarcastic".

Joke type 6: self deprecating humor
If you feel comfortable laughing at yourself, then you'd be good at this type of humor! All you have to do is make fun of yourself. That's all there is to it.
Example: *points to trash can*
Says, "me" or, "same"
This kind of humor can make people feel in uncomfortable around you, because if you use this too much, it will make people want to believe that. Just use this in moderation and you'll be fine

Joke type 7: "Bathroom" humor
Poop comedy? Heck yeah! Fart jokes? You're all over it! If something is even relatively related to a bodily function, you're all over it. It might bring laughs to your friends, but if you're on a date, or with relatives, it's best to hold these ones in. Get it? Hold the jokes in?

Joke type 8: Satirical
This is probably one of my personal favorites. Satirical humor mocks human weaknesses or aspects of society. There is so much going on in our society, that satirical human has just always been there. Saturday Night Live is definitely a good example, as it mocks presidential candidates, (Vote 4 Trump!!!! And that was sarcasm children) commercials, and pretty much anything or anyone that happens to be well known at the time

So I hope you enjoyed chapter 4, these are just some of the great types of jokes out there. Please comment and vote on my book! I'm kinda new at the whole writing on Wattpad thing!

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