Chapter 1: Walk of Shame

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Photo of Lindsay Lohan as Dillon to top

 I awake with a start, much like my first night here. In the weeks since we've been at the abbey the storms have persisted. Thunder strikes again as I scoot to the edge of the bed. My legs are hanging off the side until i slide down to the floor. My feet find my slippers. Putting  them on I  wiggle my toes on the fur lining. So warm. A walk around the old monastery should help clear my head. As I head out the door I feel a breeze from the window. Looking down I realize why. Pants. I need pants. I begin looking around the room to find some. No sign of my pants anywhere. Where did I take my jeans off? My eyes wander to the door that adjoins Axel's room and mine... Oh FUCK! This cannot be happening. Last night he and I... Of course I left my pants in there. I don't even recall coming back to my own room. Last night was... Lonely, And he was a really good listener and talker. And rather good at quite a few other things I don't dare think about. Yet still as I creep quietly toward his door, they all cross my mind and the entire night replays in my head. Trying hard not to wake him I turn the door handle slowly, only to have my stealth ruined by a creak from his door's hinges. Shit. I should just forget it. No I need to get rid of some energy and a walk will do just that. If I can just get my pants. Again, my thoughts turn to last night's events. That was one hell of a way to release some energy. If only he was awake now we could... No last night had to be a one-time thing. It CANNOT happen again. But I wish it could. I wish I could be with anyone but I am dangerous I shouldn't have even let last night happen. I am not right for anyone. I'm not meant to have a relationship. Not after... No! Don't go there! With a deep intake of breath and a lot of hope that Axel is a heavy sleeper I turn the handle again and push slightly. Then the door is opened abruptly from the other side...

"Nice shirt," Axel's deep husky voice is borderline irresistible. I look down to see that I am, in fact still wearing his button down. And spare my red lace thong, nothing else. Right.

"I'd give it back but all my clothes are still uh-," I point behind him. He steps aside and holds out his arm. What a gentleman, huh? As I walk past I see him reach down to grab my ass. I turn and catch him by the wrist. "Probably not. Sorry."

"You loved it last night," He smiles down at me and then to where my hand still holds his wrist. Damn him and his sexy ass smile. It makes me want to - No! Stop while you're ahead! Don't break him too. You've enough broken hearts and blood on your hands.

"Please let's just forget about last night. You don't want to go down that road again," I say mumbling the last part under my breath. Walking around his bed I grab my pants, bra, socks, and shirt. I turn around to see Axel giving me a questioning look that matches his confused stance. He looks like Daniel when he does that. "Don't think of him."

"Think of who?" He asks making me realize that I spoke aloud.

"No one." I hear the voice in my head again. "How dare you say he's no one? You're lying! You worthless little -."

"Enough," I respond, "Stop! I will not deal with your shit today! Leave me alone! Please, you know that I feel terrible enough about what happened to Dan, without your constant reminder. I am sorry but you can't keep blaming me. It was as much his idea as mine. But you don't care about that do you? No so just leave me be. At least today?"

"Whore." The voice finishes then disappears. Fuck, I hate her sometimes.

"Sorry I woke you. I needed my pants." I say pulling my jeans on.

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