Chapter 6: How it's supposed to feel.

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Running through the woods as fast as I can. But what am I running from again? Looking down I see the white of my paws stained with blood. Shock taking over my body I slow down and a blur of black fur comes roaring at me. Dodging just in time I look up and stare straight into his eyes. Ajax has the iciest eyes I have ever seen.

"What have I done?" I ask him through our mind-link.

"You really don't remember?" He starts circling me. Like I'm his prey. Turning I stare him straight on not willing to show surrender.

"Ajax, please tell me. I wouldn't still be standing here if I knew." As i hear more wolves approach I lay down at his feet.

"You killed them. You killed them all. Daniel. Ana. Who knows how long before you kill me too? Or the children? You're a monster. No wonder you'll never fulfill the prophecy. You're heart was gone long ago."

"Wh-What are you talking about?" I say looking up at the wolf standing before me. And right before he lunges forward my eyes spring open.

I awake screaming in pain.

"Dillon?!" Axel shoots up from next to me the gun I keep under my pillow in his hands. "Are you okay? What is it?"

"Just a nightmare... That's all. I'm sorry I woke you, go back to bed." I sighed heavily. Wiping my hands down my face I climb out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I look like death. The bags under my eyes growing every night. These nightmares are killing me. Splashing water on my face I see bruises in my reflection. Lifting up my shirt I reveal a large bruise across my side up my back. I gasp and my hand shoots down lowering my shirt when I see Axel standing behind me in the doorway.

"Dillon. Who did that to you? What is it from? Why won't you talk to me?" Axel is practically suffocating me in a hug along with any hope of me answering. He squeezes and I wince. Immediately he releases me. Holding me an arms length away from him he begins inspecting my face for signs that I will tell him what is going on. Or that I even know.

"I wish I could tell you, Axel, I have absolutely no idea how these bruises got here or what they're from." Holding my shirt up running my hand along one of the bruises I gasp as I realize that my hands match the bruises.

"Dillon? What did you do? Why is this happening? Look, I wasn't going to push you to talk about these nightmares you've been having, but knowing that it's the same every night, and from the bruises on your body that we - or at least I- didn't know about before... I think you need to tell me EXACTLY what it is that your dreaming about." He trails off as I look down at my feet, curling my toes, I feel ashamed just thinking about what my subconscious mind has been predicting for the past month. And then I sigh and lead him into the bedroom so that I can sit him down on the bed, hopeful that I can get through this and he will still be able to look me in my eyes. He knows as well as I do that my dreams are never just dreams. They're premonitions. Not always do they come true exactly how I dream them but the gist of it is the same. I lay on my back with my head hanging off the edge of the bed and start my story.

* * * * * * * * * * *

After I'm done telling Axel about my dream I lay there staring at the ceiling wondering what this means for my position here. He hasn't spoken in almost an hour. Suddenly he stands up off the bed and clambers out of my room. Still silent. Leaving me here to sort through my thoughts alone. And my suspicions have been confirmed when he walks back in and starts packing a suitcase for me.

"Axel, please don't make me leave. I know that it's probably for the best but.." He still hasn't even looked at me. "I understand. I'll go and say my goodbyes." I turn to walk out but he grabs my arm stopping me.

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