Living with Natsu

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Your POV:
Wow Natsu's being nice. I can't believe he let me stay with him! Wouldn't he rather be with Lucy though. Right, Lucy...*sigh. Me, Natsu, and Happy were on our way home from the guild.  I've been staying with them for almost a week and it's going pretty well...sort of.

Ok don't get me wrong, Natsu is awesome and everything, but he smells like freakin sweaty dog! And he eats like one too! I mean I already knew that but to be witnessing it up close! Okay! I have decided, I will make Natsu bathe more. Because sometimes he doesn't bathe for weeks! Believe me! I asked Happy.

We were walking along the stone covered road and I came back from my thoughts. I heard Natsu and Happy talking about me. For some reason my senses have been becoming more sharp ever since I came here. Can I even be in the guild without any magic when all I have are pretty good senses and the knowledge of almost everything in this world of Fairytail.

"Hey! Are you two talking about me!?" I shouted. We've gotten pretty close. It's clear because I'm yelling at them, and I don't really do that unless I'm talking to my brother... So people close or important to me. I know, I'm weird, don't judge.

"N-noooo!" They said in unison. "Yes you are! I heard you! You're planing on pulling a prank on MEEE!" I yelled and began to chase them home. But Natsu stood there for a second and said "wait how did you know that? We were whispering really softly!" Aaaand I kept chasing him ignoring what he had said.

When we got home, we ran through the door and fell on the floor. "Ugh! You guys!" It was late, I was tired and a bit pissed at the idiots. "GET OFF!" I have no idea why I'm being this AGGRESSIVE AND LOUD! It's not "Geez Y/N, I'm sorry! Pulling pranks is just what we do." Natsu confessed. "*sigh* ya I know...I think I'm just a bit tired. I'm gonna take a shower and then go to sleep." I told them. "Whaaaat?! No dinner?" Happy whined. "It's okay Happy, I'm actually a bit tired myself." Is Natsu serious?...yay! "I'm also a bit sweaty!" I heard him say, and I turned a little to face him when SMACK a sweaty shirt right in the face! I felt like being dramatic and I fake fainted. "Oh! The stench! It's too much! I can't...breathe! Heeehheeehhee!" *starts breathing heavy and flops on the floor*

Laughter  was heard from both the exceed and the salamander " I'm serious you need to shower like now!" I shouted. "Whaaaaat!? Whyyyyyy!? used to be nice." :| that pissed me off. "NATSU! GET OVER HERE!" I took him to the bathroom and ordered him to take a shower. And he did so. After I had left him in the shower, I went to the couch that I had bought and told Happy I was going to take a nap and for him to wake me up when Natsu was done.

I woke up about 15 minutes later but it felt like two hours. "Happy why didn't you wake me up!?" I yelled "what? sorry I'm looking for fish." I grabbed my clothes and I ran in to the bathroom. And it was a mistake because the floor was slippery and I fell...on top of a naked, hot, and wet Natsu. With my face flushed I said "oh u-uh I'm s-sorry I didn't realize you were still in here." I said nervously trying to avoid eye contact. Natsu didn't say anything. I was still on top of him and I didn't know what to do. "Well I'll just wait until you're done." I was starting to get off him but he grabbed my hand and told me not to move. I looked at his face, and he was cringing it a little. His towel was off and I was in a very awkward position. "H-hey Natsu? Are you okay?" I asked him. He started to slowly shake his head. "What's wrong?" I tried to move again, he cringed his face again. Then I realized that my belt from my shorts was stuck to something. It was Natsu. My belt had this sharp thing sticking out of it and was in a curve like shape. That's what was piercing him. "O-okay so I see what's happening now. U-uh, do you want me to take it out?" I asked hesitantly. "W-well no duh! Why do you wear things like this?! It's dangerous, what if you accidentally stab yourself!" He shouted. "Ya I forgot to take these off. Let me explain; where I come from, there are a lot of bad people who like to kidnap teenage girls such as myself. And most of the time they end up being raped and killed or held for ransom. I did not want to be one of those girls who end up like that so I cover myself in weapons to defend myself from those people." I told Natsu as I looked at him in the face. For that minute I completely forgot he was naked and that I was on top of him. We were just talking. "Really?" Natsu said with a bit of pity and a bit of concern in his voice. "Would these small needle like weapons be very helpful?" He asked. I didn't want to get into the details of that but..."Yeah...they're actually very helpful, I've had to use them 3 times already. And I do practice using them when I have the free time." Actually I practice using them when I watch Fairytail. I put it on a big screen and start using my "needles of death" is what I call them. "And they worked every time?" He asked. "Of course! I'm a pro!" When I said that I got a little excited and moved while putting my thumb in the air. "Aaaahhaasss!" Natsu sizzled in pain. "Ah! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I yelled. "I-it's fine, just take it out now please." He pleaded. I didn't want to look down. But I had to take it out. I reached my hand down Natsu's body and I would touch him by accident every so often. When that happened, he would flinch and say my hands were cold. And then I would move my hand away and apologize.

"O-okay. Last try." I said optimistically. I told Natsu to hold still, for I was going to have to touch him with my cold wet hands that had been on the floor. I reached down and felt for the needle, moving my hand until I felt the metal. I felt Natsu shaking so I tried to comfort him. "It's okay Natsu, I'm almost done." Normally things like this wouldn't really "hurt" Natsu, but these were made to really hurt absolutely anyone who was pierced with it. I had my fingers wrapped around it ready to pull. "Okay I'm gonna pull it out now kay." I warned him. I began to pull it out and I kept hearing Natsu's fast breaths of pain "hahahahhh" (that's not laughing btw) I was using my right hand to take it out and had my left hand holding me up. I need my left hand to take off the belt so I rested my head on Natsu's chest while still lifting my lower body with my legs. "Sorry if I'm heavy. I just need both my hands to take it out." I apologized. "I-it's okay you're not that heavy. I c-can hold you up if you want." I smiled a little. "Sure thanks."

I reached for my belt with my left hand and for the needle with my right. I was trying to keep my eyes only on the task at hand. I unbuckled the belt and quickly put my hand back on the floor. I was breathing a bit heavily because it was hot and sweaty and this was a lot of work. I counted to three and I took it out of his lower front (idk what it's called) and then I quickly pulled my whole belt off and my shorts became lose. I still had a few more needles in my shorts so I quickly took them out while still holding myself up with one hand and I just threw them anywhere. I was done and I fell on top of Natsu breathing heavily. "I did it..." Natsu wasn't as wet as before but he was still wet. And so was I now. Natsu let go of my side and put it on my head. "Thanks Y/N. But seriously don't carry those things around unless we're on a job or something. You could hurt someone, or worse yourself." I knew that but I've gotten used to always having them. And then I remembered that I was laying on top of a naked Natsu. I sat up. "Ow!" I'm sitting on top of Natsu and I look at where I "stabbed" him. It was starting to bleed. "Ugh are you serious!" I shouted. I licked my hand and tried to wipe it away. When I wiped it all off I couldn't see the hole anymore. Just a small spot where it had been. "Did I do that?" I whispered to myself. "Do what?" I heard Natsu say. "oh nothing! Well I'm done so...I'm gonna go! Tell me when you're done!" I yelled and ran out of there.

Most awkward experience I have ever had!

Natsu's POV:
Well that was awkward...for her! Haha! I loved that! She was just like "o-oh I'm sorry." She was so flustered! I get that she was trying to help. She did help actually. Why would she need to carry those types of things around with her? Where did she even come from anyways? Why do I talk to myself a lot? Wait. Whatever. No wait....I'm naked. I'll get dressed. I got out, cracked up a little and told Y/N that she could use the bathroom now. She ran in and screamed. I cracked up because I knew she fell again. I looked for Happy; sleeping. I looked down at where she had stabbed me, there was barely anything there. Did she do that?
"Did I do that?" I whispered to myself. "Do what?" I heard Natsu say. "oh nothing! Well I'm done so...I'm gonna go! Tell me when you're done!" I yelled and ran out of there.
Was that what she was talking about?

End of chapter

Yay! So next chapter you're going to find out what kind of magic you use! It's really cool it's actually two things. But I'll let you find out when you read it. ;p

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