Chapter 18

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Joselyn's POV
We have a long flight to get to New Jersey. Flying across the country is the coolest thing. I've always wanted to travel the whole world! I get the country but it's part of the world. A small part but it'll do. We get through security and we sit down to wait for our flight. I put my head Grayson's shoulder. He pulls me close.

Saira and Ethan sit a few seats down from us. Saira is asleep in Ethan's lap and Ethan just sits there lost in thought.
"GRAYSON!" I hear someone call out.
Some blonde hair, blue eyed girl comes running over.
"Oh no," Grayson says annoyed.
"Who is that?" I ask.
"My ex," he replies.

Grayson's POV
"Your ex?!" Joselyn exclaims. She looks hot (mad).
"We ended on bad terms. I can't stand her!" I whisper. "Hey, Jackie!"
"Hey, Grayson!" she exclaims and then she notices Joselyn.
"Who is this?" Jackie asks.

"Hello? 'This' is a person. Not a pawn!" Joselyn says.
"Oh I'm sorry! Who is SHE? Is that better?" Jackie asks sarcastically.
"This is my girlfriend, Joselyn," I said.
"Hi, Joselyn!" she says with fake enthusiasm.

Joselyn doesn't respond.
"Does she not like me? You know it's rude not to answer if your mom actually taught you anything," Jackie said.
"My mom raised a lady. Not some piece of trash. Like you," Joselyn said getting up out her seat ready to fight. "My mom also taught me not to let anyone that's irrelevant walk all over me." Joselyn inched closer to Jackie.

"You're calling me irrelevant? You're such a b-," and before Jackie could get it out, Joselyn was all over her. I pulled Joselyn off of her and she kicked her in the stomach.
"Big mistake," Jackie coughed.

Saira's POV
I open my eyes and I see a raging mad Joselyn kick a girl in the stomach. I'm wide awake now.
"What happened?" I asked Ethan.
Ethan told me how that was Grayson's ex and how she tried to start some drama with Joselyn. I was mad just hearing about it. I was going to feel sorry for her but after what just happened, I'd do the same thing.
"My baby!" some woman came rushing over to the girl's side. I'm going to assume it was her mom.

"Mom, this girl just jumped on my for no reason!" the girl croaked and started fake crying. The mom noticed Grayson.
"Hi, Grayson," the woman said.
"Hi," Grayson replied.
"What happened?" The woman asked Grayson. Grayson explained what happened and the woman helped the Jackie girl up.

"Jackie Michelle Ross! God so help me when we get home..." the woman started going off and dragged the girl away. "You deserved that! You shouldn't be harassing people liked that. I raised you better!" the mom yells as she drags her daughter away.

Ethan's POV
"That was awesome!" I exclaimed. They all shot looks at me to be quiet and I kept my mouth. Once we all calmed down, our flight number was called. We gave the lady our tickets and went inside the tunnel into the airplane. We grab our seats and Saira is knocked out on my shoulder. Grayson and Joselyn as well. I'm on watch for when we land. We have to switch planes and so I ended up on first watch.

I shouldn't have said anything after that fight. This was going to be a LONG flight...

Is it True? D.D. E.D. G.D. M.E. M.P. K.W. (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now