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*Patrick's POV*

"Good morning, Pattycakes!" I hear Allie shout into my ear the instant my eyes flutter open from a deep sleep. I rub my eyes and run a hand through my messy hair, still trying to wake myself up.

"'Morning, Allie," I groan.

"Aww, my baby looks so freaking cute in the morning. You must have slept well last night, huh?" she asks with a wink.

Before I'm able to answer, her nude body is back on top of me, straddling my hips. She presses her lips to mine and asks, "Last night was incredible, wasn't it?" Her lips are now at my collarbone, giving me multiple more hickeys as I recall last night's events.

"Oh, yeah," I answer.

Allie pulls away and makes a pouty face. "So, you didn't enjoy last night? Is that what you're saying?"

"No," I reply, afraid to say anything else.

"Seriously? So, you're telling me you didn't enjoy eating me out? Or pounding into my tight, perfectly waxed pussy?" she questions seductively.

"Uh, no, actually that's not what I was saying," I answer with attitude.

"Okay, so what were you saying? That you would have preferred to fuck Pete last night instead of me?" Her eyes go wide and she covers her mouth the instant those words come out. She clearly regrets saying that.

"Um, what?" is all I can manage to say.

"Oh, uh, nothing," Allie obviously lies. She leans in for more kisses, but it only makes the situation more awkward, so I push her off of me.

I get up, wrapping myself in one of the bedsheets as I walk over to my dresser to change.

"Patrick! Don't!" Allie warns. I ignore her and pull open a drawer anyway. I reach in for one of my shirts, but feel nothing. The drawer is empty. I open a few more, searching for my belongings, but they're all vacant.

"Where the hell is all my stuff?" I ask furiously. Allie just stares at me, beginning to cry.

"Answer me, dammit!" I yell, becoming truly angry.

"Patrick--" she starts. "They-they're at P-Pete's house." She sobs into her palms and I stand frozen, unable to move. Pete was right.

I pick up my clothes from last night off the floor, and quickly dress before I officially lose it.

"You bitch!" Here comes my rant, "Pete was right! I'm his husband, not yours! The poor guy is in love with me, and just because I don't remember anything about him, you have to come in and take me away from him?! No wonder why he hates you! And I'm not surprised I dumped you to be with him! You're fucking insane!" I'm in a ball on the floor sobbing, now. Not because I feel bad for screaming at Allie, but because I feel awful for believing her instead of Pete. He was the one waiting for me when I woke up, not her. How could I have been so stupid?

I feel strong arms wrap around me, embracing me into a tight hug. "Shh, baby, you're not stupid." I bite my lip, realizing I must have said that out loud.

I wonder who's soft lips press to my temple. I'm curious as to who this saint is that can calm me down with such ease. I glance up to figure out who's soothing voice I'm hearing, and I'm met with Pete's gorgeous brown eyes.

"Pete," I barely whisper, cupping a hand around his cheek to make sure he's really here holding me.

"Yeah, Trick, it's me," he smiles kindly, causing me to melt in his arms. How does this beautiful man have the power to do that to me? I wonder as I wrap my arms around him and snuggle my head into the crook of his neck. In his arms, I know I'm safe.

I feel Pete smile against the top of my head then place a kiss there. "You need a haircut, don't ya?" he giggles and I laugh along with him, nodding my head in agreement. I'm guessing it hasn't been cut since before I wound up in the hospital.

"Petey?" I ask. I don't know why, but the nickname just slips out. He tenses up and I worry that I shouldn't have called him that. I gaze up at him to make sure he isn't angry, and he smiles widely back.

"How'd you know you used to always call me that?" He asks, radiating with happiness. I shrug my shoulders and blush.

"Anyway, what's up, babe?" he asks, and I can feel my face heat up even more.

"I wanna go home," I say. Pete's eyebrows furrow for a moment as if he's confused, forgetting where we are. Then he looks over at Allie, remembering she's been here the whole time supervising our every move.

"Then leave," she demands. "I'd prefer not to watch you two fuck on my carpet, anyway."

Pete chuckles before lifting me up bridal style and carrying me out of the room. I wrap my arms around his neck and turn bright pink when he grabs onto my ass.

Allie follows us to the car and says -- mainly to Pete, "See you later, faggot."

"What the fuck do you want, bitch?"

"Oh nothing. I just thought I should let you know that I was the first one Patrick fucked after the accident, and don't be surprised when I'm also the last," she winks and walks back inside.

I can see Pete's face burn with anger, so I reach for his hand and say, "Come on, let's go home."

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