Chapter 6 - Music kiss

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A/N: For this chapter there is an audio, It fits well with what is going on. Enjoy! :3

Sean's POV

Megan had gone to take a shower, and I sat in the couch answering comments, and what not. "Sean... Is it okay, if I sleep on your bed?" Megan asked when she got out of the shower. "Sure!" I yelled back. There were some dishes left out, so I did them. There wasn't much to do, and we still have school tomorrow. So I went in my room to grab clothes. "D-daddy?! Your crazy?!" I heard Megan mumble as she tossed and turned. She must be having a nightmare.. I took my shirt off, and sat on the bed next to her. Her eyes were moving a lot, and she kept mumbling "One Chance..." and "Is it even possible?" and even "I need to do it". It scared me. I didn't know what she was talking about. I wrapped my arms around her as I laid down. She relaxed, she started to smile. Seeing that made my world. I can't explain it. Why I feel like this, why I'm so attached to her. She makes my days better. I soon drifted off to sleep. And dreamt of us.

Megan's POV
I fluttered my eyes open, and felt the warmth of a guardian angel wrapped around me. I looked at my phone that was blinking. It was 7:38 am. Omg! WERE GONNA BE LATE?! "Sean! Wake up! Were gonna be late for school!" I said getting out of bed. Sean woke up and realized the time. "Shit." I quickly put on my black ripped skinny jeans, a markiplier shirt, and Sean's blue hoodie. I couldn't however, find my other combat boot. Sean was putting on a pair of blue jeans, his septiceye shirt and his shoes. "Sean where is my other boot?" I asked. I went in my bag and grabbed my brush and brushed my short blue hair. "Here it is, I'll pick up food on the way up there." He said grabbing his bag and keys. I grabbed my school bag, phone, and beanie, and left.

~* Magical Time Skip *

Sean pulled up to the school, we arrived in what seemed like 3 seconds. We still had 20 mins. While we were walking in people were noticing that I was actually smiling. "Megan! Where were you last night?! You were supposed to be at my place!" My friend Stacy said. "Omg! What happened to your wrist?!" I didn't know why she was talking to me. We had a big fight and now everything is okay?? "I'm fine. I.. I gotta go." I said walking away. I started to walk towards the auditorium, so I could practice my only skill that is good. You see in my only skills are music, and fucking everything up. so... I went up on the stage, where I always hid my guitar, and started to play. I think Sean went to his friends so I believe I was alone.

Sean's POV

Megan's friend came by and I was dragged away by Mark, and him asking 20 questions wasn't helping. When i say helping, I mean I was trying to protect my love. My little black rose. "Mark, look Ill text you later, its. I." I was trying to sound nice. "Don't worry about it, go see your girl." He said with that doofy smile. I didn't see her in the halls... Where did she go? I thought. I heard something in the auditorium, and opened the door. She was sitting on a stool, facing towards the wall. Just playing a guitar. Playing the most beautiful song. It sounded peaceful, soft, quiet, beautiful. Just like her. She didn't noticed I walked in, so I sat down. Watching her do her thing. She was amazingly talented. She just. Was absolutely wonderful. I think she wrote it. She was nearing the end, I could tell, and I walked up the step, she still didn't notice, and stood beside her. When she ended she let out a sigh. "Megan. That was awesome!" I said making her jump. "JESUS! SEAN!" she said. She stood, and gave me a look. "Don't sneak up on me like that." she said slowing her breath. "And thanks. Music is a big part of my life." She sat back on the stool. Her short blue hair, glimmered in the lights. Giving her smile a more beautiful tone. Her eyes looked into mine. "Did you write it?" I asked. She only nodded her head. and went back to playing. "You know, I play drums." I mentioned. "Really? Thats sweet!" She giggled. "Yea. I don't think I'm good, but ya know." I said. "I bet your awesome at it." She complemented. *RING RING RING* It was the bell. Megan got up and put her guitar down. "Do you have guitar class?" I asked as I grabbed my backpack. "No, my dad wants me to take medical stuff." She said. We were walking down the hallway, and people starting giving her looks. So she rolls down her sleeves, and looks down. Why did people treat her like this? "Megan! Cmon, ditch him and lets go to class!" her friend said. She also whispered something in her ear that gave Megan shivers. Well, I'm guessing its her friend. I grabbed a hold of Megan's hand, as we walked. "I'll see you at lunch bae." I say kissing her cheek and walking into a different building.

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