Chapter 10 - Friendship

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Sean's POV

Where was I? It was all black. "Hello?!" I yelled. I felt myself being pulled. I looked down to see a wrecked car. D-did I die? I thought. I saw an ambulance pull up. They opened the car door. Megan was unconscious, but breathing. I could feel her heartbeat. I saw people pull my body out of the car. I looked like shit. My arm was bent weird, my face looked like I hadn't slept in days. They laid me down on the ground, checking my pulse, and stuff. I guess I wasn't breathing. But.. Am I dead? Forever? No. There's gotta be a way. To go back to my princess. I need to protect her. They put us in the ambulance and drove away from the scene. I didn't follow. I couldn't. I was frozen in place. Why? I then saw a man step out of the car that made the other car crash into us. It was her father. He looked frightened. But that's only because the cops showed up. He had a gun?! D-did he shoot her?! Is she gonna die!? I felt tears swell up in my eyes. I didn't want to lose her. Not like this. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump. "W-who are you?" I asked. "My name is author." The white figure said. "Author? Like a writer of a book?" I asked. Such a weird name for someone.. I thought. "You can say that. Anyways, how are you?" It asked. "Really? How am I? I'm not doing well! Why am I here?! I should be back in my body! Not here!" I said annoyed. "Don't worry. You'll see her. Soon. Sooner than you think." It said. "What do you mean? Just tell me how I get back!" I demanded. I looked down again, seeing where I finally wanted to be. It was in a hospital room. I saw me on a bed, I was breathing.. I looked over from the corner of my eye and saw Megan there. She looked beautiful. Even with her looking just as bad as me, I can see her beauty through all. But pretty things come to an end. I felt her heartbeat get slower and slower. I turned around quickly. With tears rolling down my face. "I need to save her!" I yelled. "Please! I can't let her die!" I insisted. "There is a way to save her. You need to channel all of your love and energy to her." Author said. I started to think about how much I love her. And want to save her. I felt the inside is me get warmer. All I thought about was her. She saved my boring life. She brings light into it. She's my joy. I felt her heartbeat go back to normal. But my energy was draining. "Good. Now stop with her, and put the rest into your self.""N-no!! I- I need to save her!" I said. "She needs you. She'll fall apart. Trust me." Author explained. I guess she's right. Who would take care of her if Im gone. Who will get her dad? I started channeling the rest of energy into me. I could hear Megan call out my name. "Farewell Sean. We will meet again soon, but the proper way." Author said. I felt myself go back into reality. I felt a rush of pain go through me. I quickly sat up, yelling Megan's name.

Marks POV

I met Megan a few times. Sean really has the hots for her. I can understand why. She's pretty, smart, funny, and she's very talented. I was at home, waiting for the game to be posted. There was this game coming out, and everyone wants me to play it, so I was waiting. I started to get a phone call. "Hello?" I said answering the call. "Hello. Is this... Mr. Mark... Fish..." She couldnt pronounce my name. "Fishbach? Yes this is him." I corrected. "Sorry, umm.. This is going to be hard. Umm. We have your friend, Sean Mcloghin, and Megan here in the hospital, we were wondering if you could come in to answer some questions." The lady said. I had already started tearing up. My best friend had been put into the hospital along with his future girlfriend... "I'll be there in 5." I said and hung up. I got up, and got in my car.

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