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My pulse quickens and I feel my heart drop, a tight knot forms in my stomach and my chest tightens. My throat goes dry and tears begin running down my cheeks. I run my hand through my hair and begin to panic. Shit! What the hell am I going to do? I'll just stay at home all day, wait for Hunter to come tomorrow and make a plan together but for now I need to do something.

I begin pacing around the room in a fit of panic. Who the hell would follow me? Of all the people in the world someone chose to follow me? Well screw it all. Maybe I should call the cops? The person following me might choose to do worse. At that moment my mind kicks into overdrive. The bruises on my thighs. Oh my god. I choke back the bile that's trying to escape from my throat. No person could be that cruel, could they? Who would do that to me, do such a thing to a woman in their own home? I try think back to that night and I remember that I was more tired than usual,my eyelids were feeling so heavy and the world was spinning. Oh god, please no. That explains the pain in my body yesterday morning. My pelvis felt as though it had been ripped in two and there were little drops of blood on the sheets.

My body sinks to the floor at the sudden realisation. Some foul being entered my home and took advantage of me while I was unconscious. He walked right in to my home, the only place where I though I could be safe, the place where I go to escape my troubles and forget about the world and fucked me in my sleep!

I walked around my room throwing everything around, flipping my desk and banging the walls. The drops of tears on my heels turned into a massive flood almost as if they were trying to wash away everything I was feeling now. I cried and yelled and went out of control until I had no energy left. My body olla posed slowly into the corner of the room. I sat there for almost twenty minutes,just sitting there, dejected, feeling like a worthless piece of Crap.

"Hunter,"I mumbled to myself," I'm sorry, I know we were meant to be each other's first." "I'm so sorry," I croaked," I'm sorry." Tears filled my eyes once more and I welcomed them. I wanted nothing more than to wallow in my own pool of self pity. I felt so dirty. I felt violated and hopeless.

After a few more minutes I began to stand up. My hands began to shake uncontrollably, my knees were weak, constantly wobbling as I took a step and I could barely stand on my feet. I had to be strong, I had to be brave, I had to be better than I am now and more than anything else, I had to get out of here. I had to get to somewhere were I could be safe.

I made my way to my phone and began dialing the police. After a few rings somebody finally answered the phone. "911 what's your emergency?" The officer asked. Strange he sounded like one of those cops from texas and less like a South African. "Hello my name is Serena Robbie, I think I'm being followed. Could you please send an officer immediately?" I asked. He took a while before he responded," could you please describe the person who's following you?" "Well..." I paused, " I don't really know how he looks but I know someone is Watching me, he my bed isn't the same-" "Your bed isn't the same," He cut me off," well maybe we should call the whole damn department to help."
"You don't understand sir, he raped me sir, while I was sleeping he came in and ruined me." He waited a but longer before he replied," rape is a very serious accusation. We don't appreciate prank calls here miss, call again when you can back up your claims-" "wait no-"I started. "Good day ma'am."

Angrily I shoved my phone in my pocket. I calmed myself down and began to think. Wait a minute. He could be watching me right now, waiting for me to leave. Maybe I should make sure nobody is here before I run? I could go to Claire's for the night. Slowly I looked out my window and my heart dropped once again. My legs began shaking uncontrollably when I noticed the green VW beetle parked outside my house. Please don't let it be him. I opened the window and looked out. That was it. It was his car. I was about to scream when suddenly I felt a needle pierce my skin and then, the world went black.

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