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I wonder if I was too vague in the message I sent Hunter.  Help? What would I think if I just got that message? Jeez you're an idiot. A stupid worthless idiot. I don't know if I'll live to see tomorrow and I didn't even get to say proper goodbyes. My body ached and my cheeks are still swollen from where he hit me. I can't see a thing with my left eye. My head is throbbing and I didn't know what to do. I had no idea what do. In the action movie they always find some catchy way to escape, but I couldn't, life isn't an action movie. Good people die and life goes on. I can't even keep my thoughts straight. I can't think about anything else other than his fist bashing into my face.

I swear I heard something cracking when he attacked me. It's been a few ours but I still can't move properly. My leg crumbles under my weight and it feels as though my ribs are attacking my insides. Fuck this was painful. How long will he let me live before he beats me to death? I look yo floor and see the food he prepped for me. My stomach begins to growl. I can't eat that. It could be drugged... how bad would that be? Maybe I could forget the pain, forget the him and his sick sadistic nature. I began reaching out ever so slowly towards the cold food. I shoved all the food I could fit into my mouth.

My mind began thinking back to my mother. I've been thinking about her a lot recently. I guess this is how she must have felt everyday. Trapped, unable to escape, fearing for her life but being powerless to do anything about it. Memories began flashing through my mind.
I remember one night when I came back from school, I found her cowering in a corner as my dad beat her senseless. I was watching from the staircase, too afraid to watch, too afraid to face the wrath of my father again. I remember the night dad turned his wrath towards me, I still remember the stinging of his belt buckle slashing across my cheeks, I remember the moment when I couldn't take anymore, the moment I was about to fade into unconscious, the moment my screams grew ever so silent, I remember mum rushing to my rescue. She was afraid of our father but she wouldn't let anything happen to me. Dad broke Mom's leg for getting in the way. I remember the tears running down her cheeks, the utter terror in her eyes when she realised what he had done. I remember the blood oozing from her thighs into a thick, stick pool of red. Images of all the times my mom saved me flashed through my mind until they moved onto different subject matter. My thoughts began to focus on the day my the day she left. The day I couldn't save her.

I don't blame her for what she did, I'd rather end my own life than have someone take it away from me. Maybe that's what I should do? Save myself from further torment. It's not like anyone will find me. Dads on a trip, I don't know if Hunter will get the message, heck I don't even know where I am, how would anyone else?

Tears began streaming down my cheeks and I swear I almost hear my mother's voice whispering to me," It's okay baby, it's okay if you end it. Take away the pain. Take away the suffering, move on." I sat there for over an hour, just thinking about what to do next.

I'm sorry Hunter. I'll see you in another life. I began taking off my clothing until I was completely in the nude. I began tying my pants around my neck. I'd have to choke myself to death. Before finally pulling my pants until I lost consciousness, I began to pray.

Our father
Which art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day
Our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom
The power and glory
Forever and ever

I closed my eyes and pulled as hard as I could. My lungs were on fire and black dots clouded my vision. Until suddenly it all went black...

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