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Finally I have her with me. I won't be alone. I finally have someone to love me. I've been out getting groceries. I can't let her starve to death now can I? I begin making her pancakes and eggs. She will have to love me now won't she? I made my way to the basement, I slowly began opening the door to her room. Fuck! I instantly drop her food when I see she still has her phone. I'm far too sloppy! My hand immediately reaches for the phone. She tries to push me away but I'm too strong. I begin to strike her, my fist hitting her tiny jaw. I feel possessed. My body is out of control in its own little fit of rage. My fists slam down on her jaw again and I again and again. Blood comes pouring out from deep in her throat, her voice sounds hoarse as she cries for help. "Hunter," she yells," Hunter!" My vision goes red as I pummel all my rage onto her. Her body goes slack just as I stop. She will learn. I walk out her room and lock the door behind me. She will learn.

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