life made this person.

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I have always considered myself a very quiet guy when it comes to compare people to me. Some say I'm shy, others that I'm weird. whoever you think I am...I'm not.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself and some things that are essential for you to know about who I am.

First of all, I live by myself in an apartment in the middle of a really loud city ( It doesn't matter what city). I'm 19 years old and I'm pretty fucked up. At least that's what my mother used to tell me before she kicked me out of my house.

I never met my father and my step-father past away for good when I was 9 years old and seriously, who would've thought that God would ever listen to someone like me. Someone who had lost faith for anything not visible.

I must say that I won't jugde you for believing in him or it, whatever your call your powerful God. Therefore,you can't jugde me for the way I think and the things I believe. Which is not a lot by the way.

BELIEVE is a strong word, too strong for people to give it an inappropriate use. We say we believe when in reality we don't, we ask people to believe while we are giving nothing for them to believe.

Believe...believe...believe, do we really believe that we believe in something Or it all fades away once it lets us down?.

I used to believe that my mother would always protect me from harmness, sickness and hurtful things that life can throw.

Sadly, she didn't believe me when I told her what had been happening while she was gone.

I clearly told her that someone was touching me because she said that I could trust her but She never believed me.

I asked God to stop him but it took him 5 years to finally listen to me. I had gotten to the point in which I thought that maybe I wasn't a good kid until one day that bastard had a car accident and stopped coming into my room.

I always feel alone...even when a lot of people are surrounding me, like when you are hungry and your stomach is too empty that it hurts.

**I'll tell you guys later more about me.

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