Flashed {Cole}

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For Wendy

**fourth of July**

The fireworks were booming, you and Cole were sitting in the trunk of his car watching them. Your head was on his chest and his arm was around your waist. You guys couldn't sit in the grass because Cole's allergic to grass but the night was still perfect.
You lifted your head off his shoulder and kissed him to remind him he's just the best thing that's ever been yours.
He smiles and kisses your forehead.
You look back at the fireworks but something catches your eye.
On the field right in front of you, a bunch of people start to come out facing you.
You get a bit scared, not knowing what was going on. You look at Cole and he's just smiling.
You look back at all the people and all of a sudden they start dancing to IM5's song Nobody But You.
You start to smile and giggle.
But it doesn't end there.
Dana and Gabs come out with micro phones and sing along with the song.
Somebody sneaks behind Dana a couple minutes after and hands him another micro phone. Cole rushes off the car, Dana throws the extra mic to Cole and he catches it.
"I don't want nobody but you." Cole sings and then everything goes silent. He kneels down on one knee, you hear another firework boom and you look up to the sky.
"Will you marry me?" Is written in the sky.
You look back down at Cole and he says, "Wendy, marry me and be my wife? I've loved you for so long now and I've realised that's never gonna change. I hope you feel the same way."
You nod your head over and over. "Yes yes yes! I do!" you put out your hand and Cole puts on a real diamond ring that's super big and heavy!
He stands up and you guys kiss before wrapping each other in a hug with your arms around his neck.
You hear everybody clap and you pull apart.


Cole pulls up to this big house you've never seen before.
He turns the car off and asks, "Like it?"
You nod just so shocked and happy.
He leads you upstairs to show you to your guys's bedroom.
Its gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful.
You turn around to thank Cole. You kiss him with your arms wrapped around his neck. "Thank you so much. I love you." You whisper.
"And you have no idea how much I love you." Cole says before smashing his lips on yours, pushing you onto the bed.
You are now laying on the bed and Cole is on top of you, kissing you.
You stop him. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Well, I'm sure I want to but we don't have to if you don't want to. I just love you so much..." he bites his lip.
You grab him by his shirt, laying his lips on yours. "I love you too."
Cole kisses your neck and rips off your blouse. He removes your black sports bra and kisses your upper body all over.
"Oh Cole..." you moan quietly.
"That's it? Oh no. I guess I better do a better job." He says b
You bite your lip, smirking. He quickly removes your skirt and your thong at the same time. He also quickly takes off his pants and boxers as you take his shirt off.
When you are both completely naked, Cole places his length at your entrance and you finally see his big he is. Daaaammmnnn.
"You want kids Wendy?" Cole asks.
You giggle and Cold just comes into you all the way.
You grip onto the blankets of the bed.
You nod your head once your used to his big ass dick in you.
Then he starts the real fun. He moves on in and out of you, twisting and turning, thrusting.
You arch your back and grip onto the blankets again. "Cooooooollllleeeee!!!!" you scream his name.
He takes a big thrust, curving into you and you cum. Right after that, so does Cole.
You get him down on the bed and you are now on top of him. You lick his body and around his V line before putting all of his length in your mouth. You then pleasure him by also moving him in and out of you while at the same time, licking him up and down.
"Wendy.." he moans. "Ohhhh Wendy." He keeps on letting you know he's enjoying himself until his liquids overfill your mouth.
When he gets back on top of you, he leaves his mark around your entrance, leaving you moaning your ass off.
But then you both end up getting tired and you fall asleep right as Cole starts to kiss your stomach but then so does he. He sleeps on your bare stomach which is where a baby will soon form for your new family.

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