Chapter 5

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As Tobin wakes up the next morning to the sound of Julie's, she believes that last night was a dream. She didn't really make out with Alex last night, it was just her mind going on overdrive. She was relieved yet disappointed at the same time at this thought. Relieved because she didn't put anything in jeopardy and disappointed because she kind of wanted to take the risk.

"Last breakfast with the team," she announced as she hopped out of bed.

"Mhm," Julie hummed from her side of the room. "It's been great."

Tobin laughed, throwing her pillow at the rookie. "Come on, you douche. Let's get dressed and go eat." She smiled when Julie just turned in her bed after the pillow hit her. Shaking her head, she unplugged her phone from the charger and squinted at the brightness. She had three missed calls from Alex, and three text messages. Well, obviously the previous night wasn't a dream anymore. She opened the messages and read them quickly.

A: Tobin, are you awake? Please don't shut me out.

A: You can't run away from this. Don't be scared.

The last one caught her attention. She was just received a few minutes ago.

A: Come to my room in 20 minutes. Kriegs should be gone by then. Need to talk.

This made Tobin's palms sweaty and her knees weak. The fact that she had actually made out with her best friend was finally hitting her. Why did I do that in the first place? But she didn't stop me... Tobin thought to herself. Quickly, she brushed her teeth and changed into sweatpants and a tank top, pulling her hair into a loose ponytail.

"I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast JJ," she nodded at the younger girl who was still gathering her things.

"You aren't going to pack?" Julie asked, raising an eyebrow.

Tobin only smirked. "Advantages of not having much luggage, kid."

She left the room, following Alex's instructions. She knocked on the door and as soon as she stepped into the room, last night hit her hard in the face. It's no surprise she craved the closeness of the previous night, or Alex's lips on hers. She refused to meet the striker in the eye as she hears the door close and can feel the clear blue eyes on her.

They sat in silence for a few moments, as if daring each other to speak first when Alex finally decided to say something. "Is there something you want to say to me?"

Tobin stayed silent, not really sure what to say. She knew there was so much to say to Alex, but only so little of it could form in her throat.  The two stayed silent for a while. Alex looked at Tobin, expecting an answer and Tobin shifted uncomfortably under Alex's gaze. The forward wanted more than anything to force answers out of Tobin, but that's not how it worked. Tobin never responded well to questions being fired at her because it just stressed her even more, so Alex just looked at her hoping that would be enough to get her to speak.

Three minutes seemed like forever to the both of them that it surprised Alex when Tobin finally spoke. "What happened last night wasn't supposed to happen." Her eyes still refused to look anywhere but her legs, but Alex knew this was better than Tobin not speaking at all.

"Was there a reason it happened?" The forward pressed on. She was determined to get to the bottom of this and Tobin knew it. Alex was never going to back down.

Usually Tobin could read her like a book, but today Alex seemed to be unreadable. She didn't know what was going through Alex's mind and she was unsure if that thought scared or comforted her. What did she think of last night? If she was disgusted by it, she was doing a very good job at hiding that. "N-no," Tobin stuttered. "It was stupid and totally uncalled for and it won't happen again," she managed to say. She was attempting damage control because she was still convinced Alex was straight and wouldn't like Tobin anyway.

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