Chapter 10

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"CHENEY!" Tobin attacked her friend as soon as she walked out of the locker room in normal clothes after their game.

Lauren laughed, dropping her bag to catch Tobin who was jumping onto her as if she'd just scored a goal. "Tobin, this is the third time you've come at me like this. First when my team got to the field, then after the game and lastly right now. I mean, I know I'm all that, but you have to tone it down," she teased.

The shorter midfielder snorted, hopping off of her friend. "Oh don't let it get to your head. It's like she's the star of the NWSL and thinks she has the right to be a little shit."

"Oh right," Lauren smirked. "That's your job."

Tobin simply rolled her eyes and shoved her friend lightly. "So you're up for dinner tonight?"

"Yeah, we don't leave until maybe noon tomorrow," her friend shrugged. "Who's going?"

"Alex is bringing along Servando," she frowned. "He came over for the weekend to visit her."

"So you need me to come along with you because even though they broke up you still can't stand being around him?" Lauren asked.

Well, that's part of it, Tobin thought. "Bingo, come on let's go!" She grabbed Cheney's arm and dragged her over to where Servando and Alex at the gate of the stadium. "Hey," she said a bit loudly, interrupting their conversation.

Alex's smile only widened at the sight of Tobin. "You found Cheney," she laughed, then hugged the tall girl. "You were amazing out there."

"You were too baby horse," Lauren laughed, hugging her back then nodding at Sevando. "Hey, it's been awhile."

"Yeah," Servando smiled. "Good to see you again. Strange not seeing 'Cheney' on your jersey anymore."

Lauren only smiled back, shrugging. "You get used to it. So," she clapped her hands together, looking around the little circle they formed. "Where are we going for dinner?"

"Sushi?" the striker suggested, and once everyone agreed, they all began to exit the stadium.

"Hey Lex," Servando said, causing Tobin's jaw to clench a little. "You should just ride with me so Tobin's car isn't too full. And plus, you can tell me where to go."

Alex's eyes met Tobin's for a moment hesitating. Tobin's jaw had clenched even more at the sound of Servando's suggestion and she had tensed up a little. "Uh..."

Lauren noticed the interaction and realized something was going on. "Yeah, go ahead Alex. Tobin and I need to catch up anyway, right Tobs?"

By the look she was receiving from her friend, Tobin knew Lauren was catching on. "Right uh...see you there," she nodded.

"Okay..." Alex looked at the two strangely, then shrugged it off and followed Servando to his car.

"Car, now," the tall, curly-haired midfielder demanded, crossing her arms. She followed Tobin to her car, quickly hopping into the passenger's seat. Quietly, the two buckled up and Tobin drove out of the lot before Lauren said, "Spill."

Tobin snuck a glance at her friend, not giving anything away. "Spill what, Cheney?"

"Something's going on between you and Alex," she stated factually, straightening her posture against her seat. "And you're going to tell me."

"I don't know what you're talking about," the shorter girl shrugged coolly. On the inside, she was panicking. Of course she knew Lauren knew her perhaps even better than Alex did, but how could she pick up on it so quickly? They'd barely been with each other outside of the game just an hour ago.

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