Chapter 18

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I totally cried writing this
It was hard not to enjoy herself at the reception. It all screamed Alex Morgan by the way it was set up.

Well, Alex Morgan-Carrasco.

The name seemed funny to Tobin. There wasn't any other way she knew Alex other than Morgan. She just thanked God the forward wasn't changing the name on her jersey. She wasn't sure she could live with that - and she couldn't tell if it was because Morgan-13 had been always Alex or because she didn't want to see Carrasco on there.

Little kids were running around with Christie's kids as leaders, deemed the oldest now that smaller ones had come along (including a little Holiday boy). Tobin watched them whiz by chasing each other and bursting into giggling fits. Her eyes scanned the room as she took a sip of wine and she watched as her teammates intermixed with the crowd of Alex's old friends and other friends outside of the soccer world.

A soft pang hit her chest just then. She missed her girlfriend who was all the way in Germany at the moment. She wished she'd argued a little bit more on her end to let the league release her for the weekend, just to accompany her. Most of her friends here were with their spouses or dates, and that kind of sucked. Every time she saw a glimpse of Alex, her breath caught, still not getting over how beautiful she looked in the wedding gown.

A little while later, Tobin stood from her table as her friends deserted her for the dance floor. She laughed as they made typical fools of themselves and made her way out to the back, where a gorgeous lake was in the view on the porch. She leaned against the stone railing, looking out into the darkness as the silence surrounded her. She needed a moment to herself, just to take this all in.

"What are you doing out here all alone?"

Tobin held in a sigh as she heard the voice that used to be all she wanted to hear. "You noticed I was gone?"

She heard heels on the pavement, getting louder as they neared. "Of course I did, no one was telling Sydney she needed to slow down on the drinks."

This received a soft chuckle from Tobin, and she tried to control her breathing when Alex stood by her side. "Sorry for abandoning my duty."

"I think I'll forgive you this time," Alex flashed her a quick grin, and they almost fell into their old patterns from years ago. Before there was a relationship. Before Portland and the friendly. Before that one kiss that changed everything.

But this was the most progress they'd had in two years.

After Tobin left, she cut off communication from Alex. When she was called for camps, she made it clear to Tom that she absolutely could not room with Alex. They didn't talk for the next three friendlies - only knowing where the other was on the field was enough. Then short, mumbled phrases when they needed something until it was to the point where they were civil enough to speak, but not anywhere close to being good friends.

Another thought occurred to Tobin. What if she had spoken up in that time span? What would change?

"It's beautiful, Alex. All of this," she said, turning to face the bride.

Alex beamed, and Tobin couldn't help but smile at the way her eyes lit up. "Thanks. I was so scared it wasn't going to turn out the way I wanted or no one would like it."

"I love it," the midfielder reassured her.

"So..." Alex started after an awkward beat of silence. "How's your girl?"

It was strange, bringing up the topic of Tobin's relationship with Alex. "Um...good. I was going to bring her as my date, but her league wouldn't let her leave."

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