Chapter 26: Game

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The next day, we arrived at Chicago before I woke up. The boys had their whole day booked, so when I did wake up, I was already handcuffed to the bed in the back with a note explaining their departure.

Zayn came back with my lunch, but left (after handcuffing me again) before I was finished. Liam came back with my dinner. He left, reluctantly, and handcuffed me back to the bed.

I was starting to get bored of lying back there and watching whatever channel the TV was set to, so I decided to maneuver out of the metal cuffs. I broke my way out of them and snapped the lock off of the bedroom door.

I sat down on the tiny sofa in the front room and began channel surfing, with one hand in a bag of Doritos that Niall had bought from the convenience store from last night. I don't know why, but my previous ravenous appetite had returned to me for the first time since I've been here.

I fell asleep in that position. Around what I thought was midnight, the boys returned.

"What a wonderful gig, huh lads?" Someone commented. I could barely distinguish the boys' voices after the concert had forced them all into gruff huskiness. I think it may have been Liam, or possibly Harry.

"Yeah, I think it is safe to say we smashed it!" Another boy proclaimed. Niall? Zayn? I had no idea with this one.

"Whaheyy! What have we here?" One of the boys finally noticed me 'asleep' on the couch. I knew this voice was Louis's. I could recognize his anywhere.

"How in the hell does she keep getting out of the handcuffs and break the lock?" An Irish accent slurred; despite its rasp I knew it was Niall.

"She's so innocent when she sleeps..." Louis cooed, "she always looks so innocent..."

"Yeah, except when she curses like a sailor or throws a punch." Harry snorts (or at least I think it is Harry.)

"She can sleep with me again tonight." Louis suggested. Suddenly I feel warm arms wrap around my body and pick me up bridal style. I can't help but smile slightly and curl up into his chest.

"Yeah, we might as well. She'll get pissed if she wakes up with anyone else." Zayn mutters, "slightly bitter and jealous. What was the big deal with getting to sleep with me anyways? I thought the boys hated me.

"Why is she so attached to you? I mean, it's like she can't be away from you, but God forbid she were to be alone with one of US for a few minutes." Niall whined. I could have answered that, but I didn't; I was supposed to be 'asleep'.

"I don't know mate; I guess I haven't given her a reason NOT to trust me." Louis shrugged casually. I heard his feet pad down the hall as he carried me into the room with the bunks. He placed me gently on his bed before disappearing to get changed. I was asleep before he came back.

The next few days in Chicago passed similarly. I was switching beds again, but most of my days were spent hanging out in the bus alone (after breaking the handcuffs and the locks to the door).

I was starting to get really bored with the routine again.

We were off to some other location for the boys' tour, but I really didn't give a shit where we were going. That day we hung out in the bus and then I fell back into the same routine of being alone all day.

"Good work today, lads." Niall congratulated all the boys once they came back from a gig one night. I think we were somewhere in New Mexico, but I wasn't exactly sure.

"Yeah, can't wait for the after party." Harry wiggled his eyebrows. I remained silent as I watched them all come in and plop themselves into comfy positions around me.

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