Chapter 9: Stitchy-man

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story.

~Earlier the same day~


What was that thing?! It was really big and scary, and it held me by my jammies and I was really high up, then I was falling really fast! Then Stitchy-man caught me! Then I felt really dizzy and yucky, and Stitchy-man was carrying me somewhere. I hugged him tighter, wanting him to make the yucky feeling go away. He held me close and made me feel safe.

Then we got into a big room and he put me on a cold table. He looked at me everywhere, then took his glasses off and looked into my eyes. Stitchy-man then wiped my tears with his thumb. He smiled at me. I think he wanted me to smile back, but I still felt yucky. Then I got cold and he put his long coat on me,which made me warmer. I started making these weird noises and I didn't like it. I wanted Stitchy-man to make it stop! I wanted him to hold me tight like he always does.

He picked me up and washed my face with warm water, then sat down on a bed. He held me close and slowly rocked me, humming something. I started to get really tired, and then I fell asleep on Stitchy-man.

Then I felt him getting up, and he got a blanket and laid down on the couch with me on his chest, and he put the blanket over us. He stroked my hair and we slowly fell asleep.

Then a little while later I had a bad dream, that Papa and Luna and Stitchy-man were gone and I was all alone! I was really scared, and I wanted Papa! Then I woke up and called for Papa, but Stitchy-man was there instead so I hugged him close so he couldn't leave me. He rubbed my back and stroked my hair which made me calm down a little. Then he sat me on his lap and I layed down on him as he rubbed my back more, and I thought about what he said to me yesterday...

"I'll always be here to protect you Kid." And then I thought about those last words........

But then by surprise, I was hanging upside down! Stitchy-man was holding my foot so I was hanging upside down. He smiled at me, which made me giggle. Then he swung me around a little and pulled me close. I want to hug him, but then he starts tickling my feet, and I start laughing really hard! Then he lays me down on the floor and wiggles his fingers near my hands. I finally catch him and he pulls me up.

Then when I try to hug him again, he puts his glasses on me! Everything looks so weird, then it gets blurry and Stitchy-man puts his glasses back on himself.

He then stands me on his lap and I bounce a little. Then I go to hug him, and finally I do it. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same to me. I liked it when he hugged me. He always held me tight and made me feel safe and warm. I hugged him for a little bit, then he put me on his side. I grabbed his shirt as he made me a bottle. When he's about to give it to me, I grab his arm and hold it tight. When I finish he puts it on the table and we walk around the huge building.

We go up really high where we can see the whole city. I see my home and point to it. I want Stitchy-man to come home with us. But he says he lives somewhere further away. I can't see where he points, so he puts me on his shoulders. I hold onto him tightly. After a little bit I start to get really tired, so we head back inside.

"You doin' okay Kiddo?" He asks me squeezing my feet. I try to answer 'yes' but all I can manage is a soft moan.

A few minutes later, I'm asleep on Stitchy-man's head, holding him tightly. Next thing I know, I'm outside in Stitchy-man's arms. A breeze blows and chills me, but Stitchy-man puts a blanket around me and brings me to his shoulder where I hug him limply. After a few minutes, we are back home. Stitchy-man carries me up the stairs to my bedroom. When Papa is putting Luna in, Stitchy-man whispers into my ear,
"I'll see you tomorrow little man." And he softly kisses my cheek, then hands me to Papa who puts me next to Luna. I open my eyes just enough so it looks like I'm sleeping, but so I can see Stitchy-man walking out.

I thought about what he had said to me earlier. About those words, and how much they meant coming from him.

"I'll always be here to protect you Kid. Because........
I love you."

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