Chapter 11: Why Did You Leave?

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story.

Spirit POV

Oh no, this is bad. This is very bad! I have to warn Lord Death before it's too late! While I was updating Death City's security system, something was found that was located right outside the city. It was labeled as a Kishin!

I rushed to the Death Room and told Lord Death what I saw.

"Are you sure it's a Kishin? The system couldn't have glitched, and just mistaken it as a Kishin when it could just be a witch or something, could it?" Lord Death said concerned.

"I doubt it sir, I suggest you find somewhere safe for Kid and Luna to stay until this is all sorted out."

"Yes I believe you're right, I don't want this situation to happen again. Kid is just starting to recover. I'll ask Marie if she take take them to her home for the time being. Meanwhile, you try to get more information on that Kishin."

"Yes sir, would you like me to send Marie here? She should be in the classroom."

"Yes Spirit, thank you."

Lord Death POV

When Marie came in, I asked her if she could take the children. She excitedly nodded and squealed with joy. She was already watching Luna, and Kid was with Stein.

At the end of the day, Marie took Kid and Luna, and Stein and Spirit stayed with me in the Death Room. Once we had sorted everything out, we started talking about a battle plan. We stayed up pretty late, but we all wanted to make sure that the plan ensured safety for all of Death City.

A few days later, just as we predicted, the Kishin showed up in Death City. I prayed that Kid and Luna would be ok. Our battle strategy went exactly how it was supposed to. Once the Kishin was defeated, I contacted Marie to see how they were doing. Marie lived on the other side of the city, but I was still concerned.

Once the call was connected completely, I expected to see Marie answer, but instead I saw something that made me gasp. I saw Kid and Luna sitting in front of the mirror hugging each other, trembling with fear. Luna was on the verge of tears, while Kid had clearly been balling his eyes out.

"Kid! Luna! Are you okay?" I asked, my voice trembling a bit.

"Papa!! Where are you? What's happening?!" Luna yelled, fear in her voice.

"It's ok, I'm near the academy. There was a Kishin, and I wanted you two to be safe. It's alright, everything is fine now. Where's Marie?" I asked them. Then from a distance I heard her voice.

"Right here sir! I'm here! I just went to the closet to get them a blanket! I didn't hear you calling! Is everything ok? The kids have been worried sick!" My heart broke a little when I heard that.

"Yes Marie everything is fine. If you want you can bring them by the academy."

As soon as the kids heard that they were up and running in an instant. Marie hung up and chased after them.

About 8 minutes later, I heard footsteps growing closer. I turned around to see Kid and Luna running up to me. I kneeled down and held my arms out. Luna jumped to my right shoulder and Kid to my left. When I stood up and hugged them both, Luna was giggling and happy to see I was ok. But Kid on the other hand, he was balling his eyes out and holding me tight.

"P-Papa! W-why did y-you have to l-leave?" He cried between sobs. Luna got down and went to go see Spirit. I continued holding my heartbroken son. I just held him against my chest as he buried his face in my neck and clutched my cloak with his tiny fists.

"I'm sorry Kid, I'm so so sorry! I was trying to keep you safe! I didn't want you to get hurt! Last time I was so scared, I didn't want either of us to relive that. Please forgive me!"

"Papa! Promise you never leave again!" He said as he look at me with teary eyes. How was I supposed to promise this? I wanted him to be happy and stop crying, but I didn't want to lie and break his heart. He's had enough trauma already. I did what I had to do.

"I promise Kid, I will never leave you forever. I'll always come back." I said as I wiped away his tears.

Once I said that, he gave a little smile and hugged me again. I pulled him away and kissed him all over his tiny giggly face. We just stood there like that for a while. I guess he saw Stein behind me because all of a sudden he cried out.

"Stein! Steeeiin!" Stein turned around and looked at Kid with a smile. Kid started squirming so I set him down and watched him jump into Stein's open arms. Stein picked him up and spun him around, laughing himself. Kid giggled as Stein ruffled his hair.

"You doin' ok little man?"

Kid nodded and giggled as Stein held him on his chest.

I knew Stein loved Kid, like, loved him as if he were his son. I was ok with that. Stein was one of my closest, most trusted friends. Kid was crazy about him too, so what's not to be ok with? It was pretty adorable, how they both connected so well.

As soon as everything was cleaned up and people were back in their homes, we all went inside the academy to celebrate a little, then we all went home. Spirit carried Luna who was giggling on his shoulders, and Stein of course, carried Kid who was sleeping in his arms. He was wrapped up in Stein's coat, which I thought was adorable. I just walked beside them, enjoying the life I had.

Now I knew everything was ok.

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