Chapter 32: Alex, Louis, and the Exam

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story, except Luna, Alex, and Louis.

Luna POV

Alex and Louis were the names of my weapons. They were twins just like Kid's weapons, the Thompson sisters, but mine were known as the Fortri brothers. Alex was approximately the same age as Liz, same thing with Louis and Patty. Where Liz and Patty were twin pistols, Alex and Louis were twin swords. Our soul wavelengths matched fine. They would each transform into two 3-foot long swords. This way it would be balanced, both physically and visually.

Kiddo and his weapons came with my weapons and I to the academy campus where we would begin our training. We practiced transformation, Soul Resonance, and worked on all my transformations as well. I pretty much had the same moves as Kid. I could even create Beelzebub! There was really no differences between mine and his powers.

After weeks of training came the Super Written Exam. After this exam was a 2-week vacation from school. Since Stein was back he returned as the teacher of our classes. Everyone really seemed to like him. He was a pretty good teacher! Stein was the one who had written the test, and I had lived with him for 8 years. There was no way I could fail this test!

Kiddo and I studied every night nonstop. We helped each other out, while Alex and Louis helped out Liz and Patty. Things went really well.

The day of the test Kiddo and I sat next to each other. Stein trusted us not to cheat off each other, not that we would ever think of doing something like that. We all had one hour to complete the test. It was pretty simple to me, and it looked like Kid went through it with ease as well. Probably because we both studied so hard. Our weapons seemed pretty confident the whole time too.

When the hour was up we all put down our pens. Kid and I and our weapons all walked out of the classroom feeling confident.

Now we just had to wait for the scores.

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