Chapter 31: Enrollment

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story, except Luna.

Luna POV

Kid, Liz, Patty and I all walked to the DWMA. I was going to be enrolled in school here. I remembered back to the day I found out I had to leave. Before hand Kiddo and I talked about taking missions together. Now that we were older we knew that wasn't how it worked.

Since I was a Shinigami I was part Meister, part weapon, but I still needed my own weapon. Since the DWMA is such a famous and well-respected school, I was sure there would be some new weapon student in need of a Meister.

It turned out there were 8 new students, all weapons who needed Meisters. Kid helped me to decide who would be my partner. If worse came to worse and none of them could match my soul wavelength, Kid offered to be my partner. Since we were brother and sister our wavelengths would match perfectly.

After talking with all 8 weapons, I had made my decision. I would have 2 weapons, since they were brother and brother, just like Kid had Liz and Patty who were sister and sister. I had my weapons and we would start the training tomorrow.   

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