Chapter 34: "Trust Me."

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A/N: I do not own Soul Eater or any characters mentioned in this story, except Luna, Alex, and Louis. 


Now that the Super Written Exam was over, it was finally vacation. Luna was planning to take me somewhere, but she wouldn't tell me where exactly.

"Ready to go?" She asked.

"I guess so, lead the way!" I replied with curiosity in my voice. She summoned Beelzebub and got on. I got on behind her and held onto her tightly. After about an hour of flying, we finally reached her destination. The beach.

We landed and she summoned Beelzebub back to her. She turned to face me.

"Ta-da!" She said with her hands towards the beach and a smile on her face. "I thought I take us to the beach to celebrate our test scores, and just to have some fun to begin our vacation!" She said as she pulled out a couple pairs of sunglasses from her string bag. She put one pair on herself and giggled a little.

"Wow, I've never been to a beach........!" I said a little nervously.

"Well, you're here now! Let's go have some fun!" She said as she gently pushed the other pair of sunglasses onto my nose. She took my hand and lead me to where the steps onto the sand were.

"You gonna go swimming with me Kiddo?" She asked.

"Ah, actually Lu, I didn't bring anything to swim in so-" I began as she threw my swim trunks at me. "Where do you get these??" I asked curiously.

"From your closet silly! Like I was gonna let you slip out of it that easily!" She said grinning. We went to the bathrooms to change. She came out wearing a black bikini.

"All set Kiddo-kun?" She asked when she saw me. I nodded and followed her near the water. "Oops! Almost forgot!" She said quickly as she took off her locket. I smiled when i noticed it hungover her heart. She put the locket in her bag, threw her bag in the sand and walked into the water. I stood at the edge, just above where the tide came up. I watched as she walked in a little deeper. A wave rolled in and hit her up to her knees. She squealed a little when it hit her. I laughed quietly and stared at her. Then the tide came up and soaked my feet when I wasn't paying attention.

I gasped at the freezing water. The chill went up my spine and I just stood there shivering. Luna looked at me and walked towards me a bit. She then looked behind her at another wave. This wave was bigger though. She walked a little faster until the wave was just touching her back, then jumped forward into it, swimming the rest of the way. She stood up and rung her hair out.

"You comin' in? It's really not that bad once you get used to it!" She said to me. Come to think of it I didn't feel so chilled, and the water on my feet didn't feel so cold anymore. She looked at me and smiled. "Come on. It'll be fun!" She said as she extended her arm towards me. "Trust me." I looked at her hand. She looked into my eyes and smiled more. I took her hand and she gripped it tightly. She then pulled me closer, making me stumble and fall into the water. I quickly stood up and shivered, which made her laugh. She took my hand again and lead me further into the water. Eventually we were neck-deep. I did get used to the water though, even though it did take about 8 minutes. Then the tide started to pick up and the waves became bigger and more forceful.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get a hair tie from my bag." Lu said as she started swimming towards the shore. I walked a little closer to shore so I was about waist-deep. She was about the same when a huge wave took us by surprise. I went down face-first into the water. I quickly got to my feet and got the salty water out of my eyes. I looked for my sister. I couldn't see her in front of me where she was just standing.

"Lu!" I shouted and waited for an answer. Nothing. I waited a few seconds, but still nothing. I ran over to the spot she was standing. The water was still pretty deep with the sand so soft that we sank into it. I looked into the water and saw her on her hands and knees trying to keep herself from going with the tide. I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her up. She gasped for air and stumbled a little. She coughed for a minute before finally having the water out of her lungs. I put her arm around my shoulder and walked up to where her bag was.

"Are you ok?" I asked her once we sat down.
"Yeah, it just caught me by surprise that's all!" She said, still out of breath. She pulled out a bottle of water and took a long drink to freshen her mouth from the saltiness. She gave me one so I could do the same. After some more sitting and relaxing we went up to the showers to clean off. We put on clean clothing and skated down the boardwalk on Beelzebub, each on our own skateboard. We had lunch, got some Italian ice, and went back to the beach to sit on the sand and watch the sunset.

After some time, the sky grew dark and the sun disappeared behind the ocean. It started to get chilly so I pulled out my jacket and put my hood up. Lu looked at me and pulled my hood off.

"What are you doing?" she asked curiously.

"I'm a little chilly, a cold breeze just blew by." I replied
"Oh, ok." she said quietly.
"Do you want yours? I asked her.
"Sure." she said with a small smile. I pulled out her jacket from her bag and handed it to her. She zipped it up all the way and put her hood up as well. We laid down and stared at the stars.

"Remember when we used to do this on the roof?" she asked. I could hear the smile in her voice.
"Yeah, but this is way better." I said still staring into the sky.
"It sure is. The sky seems so much bigger without all the lights from the city."

After some more stargazing it started to get cold, so we decided to head home. We stood up and brushed the sand from our clothes. I summoned Beelzebub and Lu hopped on behind me, holding me tightly over my chest. When we got home we both took a quick shower and headed up to my room. Then we ran into Liz and Patty.

"Hey guys! How was your trip?" Liz asked.

"It was fun! How come you guys are up so late?" Lu asked.

"Well, we wanted to show you something!" Patty said excitedly.

Lu looked at me. I shrugged and followed Liz and Patty. We went into one of the guest rooms, which was completely different. There was a bed, a dresser, a desk, everything. And it was all for Lu.

"We fixed up a room for Alex and Louis too!" Liz said proudly. Lu gasped and hugged them tightly.

"Wow guys!! This is amazing! I can't thank you enough!!!" She squealed and ran in.

After we both showered, we said our goodnights and headed to our own rooms.

I laid in bed thinking about today. How good it felt to have my sister back. How good it felt to have a whole family again.

How good it felt to not have a broken heart.  

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