The American Cheerleading Witch and The Scottish Skater Boy

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(hey guys, am sorry it’s taken me a while to upload this chapter but I’ve had exam preparations, exams, coursework deadlines and revision to do and recently I had some boy trouble which has resulted in the male species of our planet not being my favourite people soo… yeah, well anyway I won’t bore you with a little ran which I feel like having lol anyway here’s the next chapter

Chapter 8

Amy’s P.O.V.

After my day in hell, I was sat on the bed doing my homework when my bag started to vibrate, I know it sounds strange but my bag was vibrating across the room, I stood up and opened my beg to see that my wand was going off, I picked it up and answered it “what do you want Kyle” I said as I put it to my ear

“Is that anyway to speak to me” he asked, his voice contains small laughs

“Depends” I said a smile fell across my face “as I said before what do you want”

“Well your dearest parents are here, they said to check you had been practising your magic”

“Ahh, do you they would believe me if I said yes” I said hopping

“Nahh, I take it you haven’t” he said laughing

“Nope so am going to go and practice bye” I said as I looked for my book of spells

“Bye and don’t blow the house up, like last time, you’re lucky you mastered the undo” I couldn’t help be laugh

“It wasn’t me, you blew the house up and I fixed it”

“Good-bye Amelia” he said sounding unhappy

“Bye Kyle”  

I stood for a minute holding my wand and spell book, I couldn’t exactly practice in here, not with Lucy around. I walked out the room to find J.C. anywhere. I found him and some of the others in the games room “hey guys” I greet them cheerfully “J.C. is there anywhere I can practice?” he looked at me confused so I held my wand up “ahh yeah, follow me” when he said that all the lads stood up “where you going” I asked them curiously “to watch, we want to see out little witchy practice” Andy said smiling, I just laughed and followed J.C..

Everyone started to put their shoes on so I followed, grabbing my hoodie from the coat hook. I followed J.C. and the others outside and down to the bottom where all the lads hopped the fence “J.C., climbing isn’t my best skill” I said looking at the fence, i heard some of them laugh before J.C. hopped back over “here I’ll give you a leg up, Paul is going to catch you” he said as he locked his fingers together and instructed me to rest my foot on it before he pushed up causing me to sort of fly over the fence and into Paul’s arms “why hello princess” he said in a flirtatious tone and of course someone hit him up the head “you’re going to seriously hurt him one of these days” I said as Paul put my down so he could rub his head, the guys just laughed and continued walking.

We walked for about 5 minutes before we got to a clearing “you can practice here” J.C. said as he and the lads went to sit down. There was a little river flowing next to us “so what are you going to practice” Andy asked, I looked to the river and smiled “I’m going to manipulate water” this was my favourite thing to do. I opened my book and looked for water manipulation, once I found it I recited the chant and waved my wand causing the water to raise and manipulate into the chosen thought that was in my head. To my dismay it turned into J.C., I looked to the lads to see that they were all sat with their mouths wide open; I smirked and flicked my wand causing the water to drench them all. They were now all soaked.

After an hour of practicing the lads were all in shock “remind me to never get her angry” Andy said as we walk back to the fence “don’t worry, I like you so the most damage I would do would be to make you tell the truth for a day or two” I said smiling at him, his face was filled with horror and then amusement, the others just laughed at him. I was helped over the fence and landed in J.C.’s arms; he looked at me and smiled “for a witch you’re friendly” I looked at him “insult or compliment?” I asked smiling back at him “compliment” he said before kissing me “dude! We don’t want to see that, put her down!” the guys all shouted then laughed, I couldn’t help but smile into J.C.’s lips despite my checks going bright red.

After J.C. put me down Andy suggested that the boys raced back to the house so I was left walking back to the house on my own. Once I got there I walked up to the room I was sharing to Nattie. I got there to find Nattie sat on the bed reading “are you reading that again or have you not finished it yet” I joked as I put my wand and spell book away, Nattie pulled the book down and looked over it “hardy har har” she said in a sarcastic “for your information I had finished it” she started off starting serious “but I didn’t bring another book with me” she said laughing, I just shook my head at her “so you been practicing?” she asked as she out her book down “yeah, I asked J.C. where I could practice and I ended up with an audience” I said as I flopped down on the bed “and to make it worse I did water manipulation and it changed into the shape of J.C.”

Nattie just sat there and laughed at me, I lifted my head up and looked at her “you finished yet” I asked her and then dropped my head back down “sorry but it’s funny, everyone else can see how you and J.C. like each other, hell we can see your perfect for each other yet you two can’t” I was going to answer her when J.C.’s head popped round the door “my ears burning are you talking about me” he joked, both Nattie and I glared at him and he held his hand up in defence “sorry couldn’t resist it, I heard my name mentioned as I went to the bathroom anyway I came to asked Ammie something” he said as he turned to face me “I was wondering would you like to go on a date with me this Saturday”

The American Cheerleading Witch and The Scottish Skater Boy (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now