Chapter 11

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Ammie's P.O.V. 

It was now Monday, mum and dad had arrived back home last night and I was expected at the witch's council in 6 hours. At the moment I was currently pacing the front room floor, Nattie and my mum were sat on the settee whilst dad was following the same action as me. Kyle and Aunt Sue walked through the door. I looked at Aunt Sue and ran to her "oh sweetie it's going to be ok, everything will be ok" she said as she hugged me tightly "Mimi what did you do to get called to the witch's council" Kyle asked as he sat down next to Nattie "I don't know, I really don't kn...oh" I said mid-sentence as it dawned on me "I may have turned my ex into a block of wood and wiped part of his memory because of a grudge I had on him" my mum looked at me "Amelia you know you can’t use magic on people" she said sternly, I looked at her "am sorry mum, it was a onetime thing, I would never do it again" 

Mum nodded, dad looked at me and continued pacing "whatever the witch's council want could cause her to lose her magic" I looked at me dad, I started to nodded my head but it then dawned on me what had been said "wait what?" I asked him in shock "depending on the outcome of this 'case' you could be stripped of your magic" I looked to my mum and Nattie and the back to dad "I can't lose my magic, I need it, I'm nothing without my magic" my dad looked at me "that's not true, you do plenty of things without your magic, just because you have magic, doesn't make you who you are, it's adds to the person you are, whether you have magic or not, you are still you" my dad said as he cupped my face "you are still a wonderful person" he said as he pulled me into a hug.

There was a flash of light, followed by a scream from Nattie and then the head witch appeared in my front room "Amelia Sophia-Mia St. Claire daughter of Alicia Camille Veronica Jamison and Edward Marco Vincent St. Claire you are required at the witch's council in three hours" I gave a slight nod and then the head witch was gone, again there was a flash of light and a scream off Nattie. 

I looked at Nattie, she couldn't be any closer to Kyle without sitting on his lap, she had one hand on her chest, where her heart was located "do you witch people not know how to use a front door..." she asked in a scared voice "we do but the older ones like to make big entrances" i said with a small smile, my mum laughed "that's true actually, do you remember grandma flora's entrance last Christmas?" she asked laughing, everyone in the house started laughing at the memory "the fireworks and all that smoke, I swear it was like the 4th of July inside our house" my mum continued laughing "ohhh do you remember aunt Clara's entrance on the 4th of July, her entrance was more entertaining than the actual 4th of July parade... And then she set fire to herself" my dad said.

This was how we calmed ourselves down for the next few hours, laughing about how our family members, mostly elder ones, have made big entrances and then made mistakes in doing so "what about aunt Sophie's entrance on thanks giving?" I asked, mum gave a very unease looked "I remember all too well, there was a loud bang, Sophie appeared in the sink and then my oven set alight" she said looking at dad, aunt Sophie was his sister, my dad laughed "let's not forget the turkey going up in flames as well" my dad said "it wasn't even in the oven, it was on the flaming table" mum said slightly angry, I couldn't help but laugh at the image I was creating in my head. 

we were all sat round the table talking "so Amy, how is your father's teaching skills?" my uncle asked me as he sipped his drink "awful, I now teach myself" I said truthfully "half the spells he was teaching me he messed up" my uncle gave a heartfelt laugh "always the clumsy one, even at magic" my uncle said as he patted my dad’s shoulder. 

"Amy, dear, come and get this" my mum said from the kitchen, I got up from my seat and walked over to collect the pot of roast potatoes and take them to the table. I put them down and walked back into the kitchen, just as I entered there was an all mighty bang, followed by screams from several people in the house and a load of smoke "Edward! I think something's on fire" my mum shouted after she stopped screaming, I heard movement and felt my dad rush past me only to hear a shout of surprise and a thud. One the smoke had started to clear I could see dad on the floor holding his back, mum was pressed up against the work top in fright and aunt Sophie was sat in the sink completely soaked "Sophie!" my mum said in a very angry tone "what on earth did you do" mum asked as she moved away from the work top "I was making an entrance but it went wrong, too much smoke in my opinion" she said as she jumped out of the sink and onto the floor "so it wasn't an attempt to blow my kitchen up?" mum asked seriously, mum and aunt Sophie don't see eye to eye to often.

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