The american cheerleading witch and the scottish skater boy

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Chapter 5

I looked to haylie and Alice in confusion "Lucy" they didn't explain who she was, I just sat there just watching J.C. hug this Lucy lass "wait wait wait" I head J.C. shouted, I looked at him "I want you to meet Amy" suddenly J.C. pulled the girl over to me by her arm "Amy please meet Lucy" I looked at her "my sister" the jealousy I was feeling a few minutes ago washed over me, Lucy looked at me "hey " I smiled at her and waved a little "wait J.C. if she's your sister how come she wasn't at dinner before" J.C. looked at me and smiled "she stayed at aunt Lauren's that I did" I nodded slowly, "hey nat is visiting for a bit, she should be along shortly" I looked at Lucy, she looked like nattie a little "you know Lucy, when aunt Liz says stay together she means it" I heard someone shout who sounded a bit like nattie, I turned round "NATTIE!!!!!!" I shouted as I ran to her, I jumped on top off her knocking her to the ground "hey" I smiled at her "whoa Ammie" she screamed "hey" she smiled at me, I got up and helped up off the floor, I looked to the others to see most of the lads with their mouth open "close your mouths you're catching flies" nattie shouted at them, she turned back to me "soo is plane boy there" I looked at her "plane boy" she laughed, we started to walk to the others "yeah, plane boy, the lad you met on the plane" I looked at her and smiled "yeah" I grabbed her wrist and practically ran "J.C. this is..." I started "hey nattie" I looked at him "wait, you know nattie" J.C. nodded "yeah, she's my favourite cousin" I looked between the to of them "wait my cousin is plane boy" nattie screamed "eww that's gross and to think I wanted to know the details" nattie continued to say 'eww' over and over again "nattie stop saying eww...please" J.C. looked at us confused

Lucy's point of view

I walked through the front door with Natalie behind me; I placed my suitcases on the floor and took a deep breath in, home sweet home "Aunt Liz, uncle john, J.C." Natalie shouted I can't believe I had to catch a bloody plane with her; she is soo annoying, I don't even see why J.C. likes her that much. My mum walked down "ahh Lucinda, Natalie" god! I hate that name Lucinda "how was your flight" my mum asked "it was long" Natalie joked; I looked at her and sighed "where's J.C." Natalie asked "he's at the skate park with some of his friends" Natalie nodded and I was already out the door "Lucinda wait for Natalie and stay with her" I heard my mum shouted. I could hear the sound of Natalie's heals behind me "wait up Lucy" she said, I quicken my pace.

I got to the park and I could see haylie and Alice talking to some lass, I walked over to them "ermm... sorry to bother you but do any of you know where I can find James Carmichael Francis MacFarlane" I looked at the lass, she had blonde hair and blue yes and she was quite pretty "sure he's ove..." she's American just like Natalie "Lucy" I heard J.C. shout me, I turned round to see J.C. with his arms open, I smiled and ran into his arms "hey Lu" he smiled "I missed you, why did I have to stay longer" I said, I opened my mouth to speak but I was cut off "wait wait wait" J.C. said as she grabbed hold of my arm "I want you to meet Amy" he started pulling me over to haylie, Alice and the other lass "Amy please meet Lucy" she looked at me "my sister" she smiled at little "hey " she gave a little wave then stopped "wait J.C. if she's your sister how come she wasn't at dinner before" J.C. looked at her and and smiled "she stayed at aunt Lauren's that I did" she nodded slowly, then I remembered that Natalie was meant to be following me "hey Nat is visiting for a bit, she should be along shortly" Amy or what ever she was called looked at me as if she was thinking "you know Lucy, when aunt Liz says stay together she means it" I heard Natalie shout across the skate park, the Amy lass looked at Natalie "NATTIE!!!!!!" she shouted as she jumped of the seat and ran to her, she jumped on Natalie and knocked her to the floor "hey" she said like a little child "whoa Ammie" Natalie screamed in shock "hey" Natalie replied in the same childish tone, Amy stood up and helped Natalie up, they turned to the others, I saw that the lads were all stood with their mouths wide open "close your mouths you're catching flies" Natalie shouted at them, they were talking about something as they walked over, Natalie had obviously said something that cause Amy to be extremely happy, she grabbed Natalie's wrist and practically ran to the others "J.C. this is..." she started "hey nattie" Amy looked at him with a confused expression on her face "wait, you know nattie" she asked, J.C. nodded "yeah, she's my favourite cousin" Amy looked between the two of them "wait my cousin is plane boy" nattie screamed, plane boy what the hell is the delude person that I call my cousin on about, wait J.C. mentioned meeting a girl on the plane that he kiss... Amy is that lass "eww that's gross and to think I wanted to know the details" nattie continued to say 'eww' over and over again "nattie stop saying eww...please" I heard Amy say, good luck with that Natalie never shuts up, J.C. looked at us confused

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