The American Cheerleading Witch and The Scottish Skater Boy chapter 3

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(hey guys I want to apologize for saying that J.C. could drive when he can't he is only 14, I had completely forgotten what age I had put them, in my other stories the characters can drive so I didn it without realising. Again sorry and J.C. cant drive)

Chapter 3

J.C. point of view

At the airport I said goodbye to Amy and that I would pick her up tomorrow morning, I was sat in the car with my mum "so how is your aunt Lauren" she asked as she turned the corner "she's fine, she's missing you and Scotland" I saw my mum nod and then I remembered "ohh mum, aunt Laurens pregnant" my mum looked up in the car mirror and she looked shocked "well that's wonderful but she was told she couldn't have children" I nodded "I know but she pregnant" mum seemed pleased for aunt Lauren.

We got home and I took my bags upstairs, just as I got in the room, my phone went off, I pulled it out of my back pocket "hello" I asked, I don't really look at the ID, although I should "yo j man, you back" I guess it was Joe on the phone, "yeah am back, am in my room why" I placed my phone on loud and put it on my bed "well we wanna know if you wanna come to the skate park" I opened my case and looked at all my clothes "hell yeah, I can unpack later" I walked over to my cupboard and got my skateboard out "oki, well we'll see you at the park, bye dude" I could here some of the others in the background "oki dude" I walked back to my phone and ended the called, I put my phone in my pocket and picked my board up and walked out my room "mum" I shouted "am going to the skate park, I'll unpack when I get back" I shouted again "oki, James, just as long as you do" I put my shoes on "I will, bye mum" I walked out the door, I put my board on the floor and skated to the park.

I got to the park and I saw the regular people who I would expect to be here, although I saw Sarah, sat on my cousin's knee and she was kissing him "Sarah!!!" I shouted, she jumped and fell off his knee "what the hell Sarah, I go away for two weeks and I return to find you lip locked with Jack" I looked to Jack who basically looked scared "it's not what it looks like" Jack said, I looked at him "I'll talk to you later" I said sternly "come on Sarah am waiting, explain yourself" I looked at Sarah, she opened her mouth to talk "you know what forget it, we're over Sarah, go and find yourself a knew toy" Sarah stood with her mouth open and looked at me "huh? Since when did YOU have the right to talk to ME like that" she said in a disgusted voice "well since I found you lip locked with my cousin, I think I got the right about five minutes ago" I could hear some of the lads laughing and some were dying to laugh but daren't "nothing has given you the right to talk to me like am a piece of crap" I looked at her and laughed "you ARE a piece of crap now go on, go and find someone else to mess around with" she looked at me and slapped me and then walked over, as soon as she was definitely gone the lads started laughing "well done j man" Joe said, I looked to Jack who was still sat scared "thanks man I needed a reason to break up with her" Jack looked at me "eh?" I laughed a little "I needed a reason to finish with Sarah, so by you kissing her, that was my reason" Alex walked up to me "why you wanna finished her anyway" Amy, Amy way the reason "I met a lass on the plane coming home and damn!... I can't even find the words to describe her, I mean..." they all looked at me "aww j mans in love, aww you might get a holiday romance" Paul said laughing, I looked at them and then hit Paul over the back of the head "you'll meet her tomorrow, she was moving here" the all nodded and there was a few scattered 'ahhs'.

As I was skating up and down the ramps when Joe's lass, haylie, walked over to the others, I couldn't here what she was saying but I guess the nickname she has for him was used because I could hear the lads laughing loudly, as I went up the ramp closest the guys I stopped, I walked over to them "hey haylie" I didn't notice that Alice was there till I looked at her "hey Alice I didn't see you there" she scoffed "as always" I laughed a little "aww sorry" I said teasing her, she was about to open her mouth when my phone went off, I looked at the ID this time and it was a number that I didn't have in my phone "hello" I question "hey J.C. its Amy" I had a massive grin on my face and I laughed a little "hey Amy" I was smiling like an idiot but I don't care "hey, I told my dad you we're collecting me tomorrow morning and to be honest, I don't think he likes the idea, he's very protective over me" crap, I tend not to make good impressions on the dads "yo j whose on the phone, it is your plane girlfriend" all the lads laughed "two ticks Amy" I heard her sigh, "oki" I pulled the phone away from my ear "yo Jack am on the phone" I shouted at him "aww its your girlfriend from the plane" Jack teased me "no its not" I said sternly to him "aww yeah it is, J.C. all loved up" Jack teased "is not its Amy" I said back in the same stern voice "Amy, is that her name then" Joe joined in "look Jack I'll explain later" I put the phone back to my ear and heard Amy laugh, god her laugh! "Sorry that was my mate" the lads continued to torment me whilst I was on the phone "it's alright".

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