Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

(if any of you read my other story goodbyes don’t hurt if hellos never happen you’ll know that my computer crashed and I lost everything off it which included this chapter… so I’ve had to retype it which is why it’s taken a while for it to be posted)

It’s been two days since J.C. asked me out on a date, it was now Saturday and I was pacing my room trying to think of an outfit to wear “what about your dress that you got when we went shopping a few months ago?” Nattie suggested, I looked at her and thought “it is a nice dress… but it’s in my wardrobe in the house” I said down on the bed “well then we’ll just have to go and get it won’t we” she said pulling me off the bed and out the room “aunty Liz, Ammie and I are going to hers for something” Nattie shouted as she pulled me down the stairs “ok Natalie” was Liz’s reply “you know you are lucky I always have my keys in my pocket” I said as Nattie pushed my shoes into my chest “jeez why are you rushing me” I said jokingly “because you have a date with my cousin and I want you to look perfect for it so we are going to get your dress then I am going to curl your hair and do your make-up” knowing Nattie she won’t take ‘no’ for an answer, so I just let her drag me out the door whilst trying to put my shoes on “can I put my shoes on?” I asked as I attempted to stop “what… huh…sorry yeah go ahead” I looked at her and then put my shoes on.

Once I had my shoes on, I looked up at Nattie and she smiled at me “I would drag you to your house but I don’t know where it is” she said smiling innocently “this way” I said grabbing her wrist and pulling her in the direction of my house. We walked for about 10 minutes just talking about nonsense “so how’s the squad” I asked as we turned the corner onto to my road “slightly falling apart” I stopped and looked at her “what do you mean ‘slightly falling apart’” she smiled at me “well since you left we have sort of lost rhythm and timing” I looked at her “with you as head cheerleader am not surprised, you have no sense in rhythm or timing…” she looked at me and laughed.

We got to my front door and I unlocked it “so where is your room” Nattie asked, I looked at her and tried to think “seriously…” I looked at her “hey it’s a new house and it the second on the right” I said sticking my tongue out. We walked up the stairs and to my room “so are most of your dresses and that in this wardrobe?” she asked as she pushed my door open “yep along with all my heels, handbags and jewellery” Nattie nodded and then ordered for me to sit down on my bed, I looked at her questioning “I’m going to sort your outfit out” I looked at her a little scared, I’ve seen the stuff she wears for dates… “don’t look so scared, have some faith and trust in your best friend…” I looked at her “hey, seeing as you’re going to dress me up, would you like some help, am sure Haylie and Alice would like to help you torture… I mean prepare me for this date” I said with an innocent smile “you’re lucky you’re my best friend” she said pointing her finger at me “and sure, the more the merrier” I pulled my phone out and looked for Alice’s number “hello Alice speaking” I laughed “hey Alice, it Ammie, I was wondering would you and Haylie like to come and help Nattie prepare me for my date” there was a scream on the other end of the phone “a date, who with” it then dawned on me I hadn’t told them but firstly I swapped my phone over to my other ear “first of all, oww I think I have just lost my hearing in my left ear… and second of all, sorry I forgot to tell you guys, J.C. asked me on a date” again there was another scream “Alice! Seriously, you have already damaged my left ear, I would like to keep my right” I said jokingly “sorry but he asked you on a date… wait tell me your address and Haylie and I will be there in as shortest time possible” I gave a little laugh and then gave Alice my address and then put the phone down “Alice said they’ll be here in as little time possible” Nattie nodded and then went back to looking in my wardrobe.

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