Chapter 14: Trials In The Night

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A/N: Huge apologies to all my followers and future followers and friends. I have not forgotten you or this story. Huge heatwave in my country this summer, making it impossible to live let alone create. But I'm back and Chapter 15 already in the works. 2 months with no update shall not happen again, I promise you.

Huge thanks to my beloved beta's, Tyren and NixNox.

Without further ado, on with the show!

Chapter 14: Trials In The Night

As she parted ways with Gandalf and Radagast, started descending down the mountain, Linshara's thoughts turned to the Company, to Fili. There also was the increasingly disturbing thought of her not really having a clue where they would have ended up after Mirkwood. Provided they managed to leave Mirkwood to begin with. She'd expected Gandalf to lead her. The one thing she knew for sure was that they were alive. She would have felt their passing.

Drawing her duster closer and buttoning it up, her hood now over her head, Linshara mentally reached out to see if either of their horses was still anywhere close. Walking to wherever the Dwarves were would be a nightmare, even for her. She felt the familiar mind of her pony grazing nearby, less frightened and sent calming ripples at it as she slowly approached. The animal neighed at her softly, turning its head to look at her. It wanted to know if she was friend or foe, it was tired of fear and running.

Opening her arms, palms extended and facing upward, she continued to slowly approach, cooing softly, "it's just me. No sugar cubes, I'm afraid, girl. It's just me..."

The animal grazed her palm with its large lips as if looking for said sugar before it leaned its head against the side of Linshara's. The Jedi caressed the side of her neck gently, in long strokes, using the Force to calm the poor animal down completely. Through her connection she could hear a distant voice calling, familiar, gruff but not unfriendly.

She pulled back a little and glanced at the pony who was now calm. Slowly she moved to the saddle and mounted it. "Where is he? Can you lead me to him?"

Bobbing its head up and down, the pony seemed to reply affirmatively. She took the reins and gave it a little physical and mental nudge. Making a sound in reply, the pony broke into a trot and made towards the Mirkwood, from what she could tell.

As she rode, her mind kept going back to the image she saw last, herself blasting Ruun with a lightning stream. So far her visions mostly came true in one form or another, but her employing such tactics disturbed her. Did it mean she would fall? Did it mean she would have to employ skills from both sides of the divide to defeat him?

Before she could delve too deeply into it, she could hear her horse neigh and her focus returned to the road. Beorn stood at the very treeline of where the Carrock ended and Mirkwood borders began. The horse approached him slowly. As they reached Beorn Linshara dismounted.

"I didn't think you would come this far." She commented as she nodded in greeting of the giant man.

"Your horse did not return with the others, I needed to find it." He replied, his amber eyes scanning their surroundings, "you come from the direction of the Fells. How come?"

Linshara was hesitant for a moment to reveal too much but sensed no deception from his part so she explained the situation at the High Fells to him.

The skin changer nodded gravely, "you must find the dwarves soon. I saw their tracks leading into the wood, they followed the elvish road for a time at least." He pointed towards an elaborate antlered entrance.

Linshara nodded, "alright. If they passed through it already, where would they have gone?"

"Likely to the city of men, to Esgaroth then onwards to the Mountain. You cannot miss it once you exit the forest." Beorn said turning to look down at the small blonde.

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