Chapter 20: Up In Old Dale

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It didn't take Thorin long to compose himself. The dwarves waited patiently after Fili gave the order to wait, showing the full effect of his leadership potential. He was calm, collected, thoughtful. So for now, even under the influence of the gold, they followed.

Linshara paced in the background looking for ways to locate the Sith. She needed to deal with him soon, lest his hold on Thorin returns. She kept seeing an image in her mind, of a small rectangular path outside of the mountain, overlooking a giant statue. The Force was telling her something, but as usual, too early for her to make the connection. She needed to do something first. She needed to find Kallus Ruun.

Before she could do much, however, she felt Thorin slowly approaching. His heavy footsteps echoed the corridors. As he rounded the corner and slowly stepped inside, they could all see he'd shed his 'kingly' visage. He was dressed again in a warrior's outfit. He was one of his people again. As he noticed him, Kili quickly got to his feet.

"I will not hide," Kili began emphatically, "behind a wall of stone, while others fight OUR battles FOR us!" His tone grew in intensity as he approached Thorin. "It is not in my blood, Thorin."

Linshara carefully observed the interaction, readying herself to pull them apart with the Force if necessary. Kili was still tainted, angry.

Thorin looked down at his nephew's face, his eyes softening, "no, it is not."

Genuine surprise came from Kili at his words as Thorin continued, whispering, "we are sons of Durin." Thorin put his hand on Kili's shoulder.

There was that spark of love and devotion to Thorin in Kili's heart again. Linshara relaxed a little as she felt this. Could Thorin pull Kili out of it?

Thorin continued softly, "and Durin's folk do not flee from a fight."

Slowly, uncle and nephew smiled at each other, Thorin leaning his forehead against Kili's, a genuine sense of relief washing through both of them.

Thorin nodded to Kili, clasping his shoulder again and stepped past him, "I have no right to ask this of any of you," he began, his gaze though focused on his heir, his older nephew.

He was silently asking Fili's approval and forgiveness. Linshara looked over at her betrothed. He felt both relief and doubt at the same time. He was both angry and happy at the same time, willing and uncertain all together.

"Will you follow me, one last time?" Thorin asked, his gaze still on Fili.

Slowly, Fili nodded, still uncertain on the inside, Linshara felt, but willing to take a chance. He loved Thorin fiercely and was loyal to a fault. As Fili nodded, the rest of the dwarves slowly rose up, one by one, weapons leaned on their chests, nodding.

Thorin looked at each and every one of them, a sense of immense gratitude washing over him. As Linshara stepped next to Bofur, Thorin looked over at her.

"Will you join us, my lady Linshara? Will you join your family?" The dwarf king turned to her.

Slowly, Linshara shook her head, "my path lies separately. I must find the Sith and dispose of him, once and for all. He is somewhere close, I can feel his presence. Unless he is ended, he will influence everything again." She nodded slowly at Thorin.

"Everyone, say your goodbyes then meet me at the gate, we must rejoin our brothers out there as soon as possible, arm yourselves well." Thorin nodded, stepping over to Linshara first. "Thank you..." he said in a deep tone.

While it was very simple, the emotions beneath the surface spoke of the true depth of his gratefulness. Linshara nodded in understanding. Each of the dwarves followed. Balin hugged her gently, a tear sliding down his cheek, Bofur spoke something in Khuzdul, but she gathered it meant something along the lines of 'good luck'.

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