Chapter 12: To Embrace Change

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A/N: No excuses, - I know :(

Big thank yous to Tyren, my tireless Beta.

On with the show ;)

Chapter 12: To Embrace Change

Her recuperation was quicker than expected, what with her eating lembas along with meditation and force healing. Within three days she was fully healed and mobile. Having recounted the them, she saw each of the dwarves, the wizard and the hobbit go through their own stages of guilt. The dwarves felt especially bad, considering how they acted with her. Even Thorin offered a sincere, heartfelt apology.

Linshara took it with gladness, but with a measure of caution also. His inner darkness was still present, albeit overpowered by the goodness in the majestic dwarf king. In these moments she could see why Fili and Kili adored and admired their uncle. Perhaps it was the homely, safe atmosphere at Beorn's that made everyone's heart lighter, even her own.

Their questions as to her battle with the Sith, or the Slyth as Ori kept calling Kallus, the first few days they were the only topic at hand. Slowly though, their thoughts returned to the mountain. To Erebor, to Smaug. Both Gandalf and Linshara advised caution, due to the new element, the new enemy. He would return to thwart their plans sooner or later. Due to winter soon approaching and the fact the way to Erebor would lead through heavy snow and the very dangerous elven wood, the company decided to spend the winter with Beorn.

Some days were good, everyone's moods elated.The others, the moods would be foul. They would fight amongst themselves, they'd take their frustration at the idleness out on each other through sparring. They wanted to spar with Linshara as well but she mostly refused. Her way of channeling her feelings was through meditation.

Beorn was not a very talkative person himself, after she'd told him about herself and he in turn told her of the skin changers, he pretty much kept to himself, away from her and the others, only really talking to Gandalf on occasions.

Well, there was that and chats with the Durin nephews and Bilbo. She saw clearly now that Bilbo was an exceedingly bright person, curious, studious, but above all gentle and brave. He would have made an excellent Jedi in her opinion. Kili and Fili were another matter altogether. Kili, he was definitely the cheeky younger brother. Brave, loyal to a fault, caring. Also utterly reckless and entirely inviting of trouble. Dwalin and Thorin were often heard yelling at him for one thing or another.

Fili, on the other hand. He made her feel all sorts of things. Since Landroval delivered her to Beorn, since that encounter, what she felt in regard to him became a mess. The admiration and fondness she felt for him were escalating, she was keenly aware of that. Afraid of it also. On the other hand she found herself considering indulging in it, both out of a mental need but out of a physical one also. This especially became evident when she'd watch Fili and Kili spar with Dwalin and Thorin, more often than not, shirtless. Having indulged from time to time in her old life, she was no stranger to the pleasures of the flesh, most Jedi weren't.

She sat so one day with Gandalf, who was quiet and contemplative most of the time, since they'd arrived. Linshara HAD felt power rumbling within him constantly however, though couldn't quite identify its purpose.

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