Chapter 6 - The Rescue Party

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Cinder kneeled down beside where her brother lay. His leg had a deep cut that blood oozed out of, a deep gash in his forehead, and two small arrow sized holes in the back of his neck. Her brother looked at her and smiled.

"Going to save Azura?" He asked, shifting in his make-shift bed. He winced at the movement.

"Her name is Azeria, and yes I'm going," Cinder said, rolling her eyes and trying not to look at Ryzen. She couldn't stand to see him like this.

"Always looking for adventure, aren't you Cinder?" Ryzen said with a small smile. The condition he was in was getting worse every moment. It was as if an evil spell has taken over his body and was slowly killing him.

Cinder heard Swan call her name, and smiled softly at her brother. "Guess I gotta go," She said sadly, "See ya when I get back. Bye, Ryzen...."

"Goodbye Cinder!" Ryzen called out after her. Cinder took one last look at Ryzen and then turned back around, heading for the docks. 

Cinder reached the docks, where small boats rocked back and forth against the rough current. Swan, Ivory, Sarnist, and Makon were in one boat together, and King Ezemar, Persius, and Ronan were in another one. Persius signaled for her to get in the boat, in the seat next to him.

Once Cinder entered the boat, they set off on their journey to Malifimus. Cinder looked out at the sea as the boat carried them across the dark waters, which rippled beneath them. Dark clouds still covered the sky, blocking out any light from the stars and moon.

The boat swayed back and forth in the ocean. Cinder suppressed a yawn, tired from the day's events. She went through the battle in her mind. She was standing next to Ryzen as they fought off the Crow Warriors side by side, swords clanging. A Crow Warrior had appeared from almost nowhere, and slashed at Ryzen with his huge ax. 

Anger flared inside of Cinder as she remembered the other Crow Warrior that had tried to cut off her head, but she ducked in time and instead it hit Ryzen's forehead. Cinder felt guilty, feeling as though it was her fault. If only she fought harder in the battle, maybe she would have got hurt instead of her brother.

"What's Dolphin Island like?" Ronan asked, snapping Cinder away from her thoughts. 

"It's nice, a rich green forest," Cinder started out, thinking of her home. "But lots of tree stumps to trip over." 

She tried to lighten the mood, but Ronan only nodded slightly. King Ezemar was staring  out into the distance, trying his best to spot the place that held his youngest song captive. 

"So, how will we get into Malifimus? I mean, it is kind of risky, walking into enemy territory," Cinder said. 

"Indigo is sending a few dragons to different places in the kingdom," Persius answered shortly.

Cinder went back into her thoughts, remembering seeing Azeria and Cayden when she was out and about exploring around Ellamenta herself. She recalled seeing Persius up in the tree getting, the cat and giving it to that little girl. How is emerald green eyes gleamed in the moon's light. Cinder wondered why he seemed so serious, and the history behind the scar he had that crossed his right eye. And... Why did she care again? 

"I see Malifimus!" King Ezemar said, making everyone in the boat look at the direction he was pointing to. Swan was in the boat. Cinder squinted as she tried to see through the thick fog that surrounded Malifimus.

Malifimus was large and dark. Cinder could see  Crow Warriors mulling about the harbor, bringing in cargo. "We'll have to swim from here," King Ezemar said.

Suddenly, a loud roar echoed in the distant, followed by several more. Looking up, Cinder saw four huge dragons flying over the rescue party, riders on top of them. As they sped overhead, a harsh gust of wind from their wings made small waves which rocked the boats. Then the dragons were gone, breathing fire down on separate parts of Malifimus.

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