Chapter 19 - Kicked

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Bleakly, Cinder strayed away from the crowd of Ellamentians after Swan jumped off the dragon. Her mind was numb as she thought of a way to tell her parents that Ryzen had died. Of all the scenarios in her head, the one where they hugged her and didn't blame her was the most far fetched.

Cinder roamed the streets of Dolphin Island, searching for anything new or exciting that had happened while she and the others were gone. New trees had been planted around the town center, the saplings just beginning to peak from the ground. Tulips were in bloom in the gardens. Cinder heard the laugh of children as they played together in the small park. They didn't understand what had happened, they didn't know that their parents or siblings were never coming back. Or maybe they were lucky, and no one they loved had gone to war.

A familiar little girl ran over to Cinder and gave her a big hug. It took Cinder a moment to recognize who it was. It was Kristine Terris, the younger sister of one of Cinder's friends.

"Cinder! You came back!" Kristine giggled, hugging Cinder once again. "I told you she would come back, James!" Kristine said, sticking her tongue out at her little brother, James.

Cinder couldn't help but laugh. Kristine was absolutely adorable with her dirty blonde curls and hazel brown eyes. Cinder kneeled down next to Kristine and smiled at James. He must be three now, and Kristine must be six or seven. She looked so much like her older sister, who had died a year ago from a strange illness.

Kristine and James went back home. They had lost an uncle and an aunt, who had do children. Cinder didn't see them fight, but she knew that they fought with all they had just like everyone else. Cinder watched the rest of the kids in the small park while thinking about how to tell her foster parents that Ryzen had died in battle.

It was time to stop stalling, Cinder kept telling herself, and finally found the courage to walk up to the front door. Still planning what to say, she knocked on the door, swallowing. Would they scream at her like always? Be happy she was alive at least? Probably not.

The door creaked open, slowly at first, and then Cinder saw her mother, Natalie. Natalie was in no way an ugly woman, with black hair and green eyes, but her beauty didn't stretch past her looks. She looked down on Cinder, her eyes temporarily ablaze with love, and stuck her head out the door. Then her face fell, and her sharp gaze turned on Cinder.

"Where's Ryzen?"

The words were full of unspoken accusations and Cinder flinched. "He... didn't come back." Cinder said, her golden eyes tearing up.

Natalie stared at Cinder, her expression blank for a moment, and then her eyes narrowed, as if she were a lion and Cinder was her prey. "What do you mean 'he didn't come back'?" she said, her tone deadly soft.

"Natalie? Let them in, let them in! I want to see my children!" called a booming voice from inside. Gribbing Cinder's arm in a talon-like manner, Natalie yanked Cinder inside, and Cinder saw her father sitting at the dinner table. He had a kinder face, with short brown hair and gray eyes. But he frowned when he didn't see Ryzen.

"The brat says Ryzen didn't come back," snapped Natalie, and the man turned his eyes on Cinder. His demeanor changed greatly; he sat straighter, his eyes cold, and sat down his napkin with an odd gracefulness. "You mean, he stayed behind in Ellamenta? Didn't he want to see us?"

Cinder shook her head, her hands trembling beside her. "N-no. He was killed in battle."

They stared at her, and then her father rose from his chair, unusually calm. In three quick sides he had moved across the room and was pushing her out the door.

"Out, you ungrateful liar!" he spat. "Never return to this house!"

"Burnell...Natalie... I tried! I honestly did, I know how much you want him here and not me! I would rather be dead then him! A-" Cinder said her voice cracking.

"Save it Cinder! Apparently you didn't do good enough! Before you all left we told you to keep him safe!" Natalie yelled. "For once in your life do something right!"

"Natalie! I tried! I did! It's not my fault!" Cinder screamed back at her, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Cinder... I think it would be best if you left. You will be going back to Ellamenta with everyone else and fight in the battles. You will also be moving out, for good." Burnell said quickly leaving the room.

Cinder ran up the stairs to her room and packed her things. A small teddy bear she had won at a fair, the few clothes she had, some of her favorite books, and her small bracelets she had made with her best friend Sasha. Sasha was tall with light brown hair and hazel brown eyes like her sisters. Sasha hardly ever came over to Cinder's foster parent's house since they always screamed at Cinder for having friends over.

Thoughts of Ryzen filled Cinder's head as she fixed the strap on her bag and went downstairs. Natalie stopped her before she could leave though.

"I just want you to know Cinder, it's your fault that Ryzen died. Yours!" Natalie said slapping Cinder before walking away in disgust.

Throwing open the door, Cinder ran out in a mess of tears. Cinder ran for the place she always went whenever she felt sad. Running away from the town, away from the people that stared at her like she was a mad woman. Branches smacked her in the face on the way to her secret place. The wind blew leaves around in the air, slowing Cinder down a little.

She finally reached her destination, a small, one room log cabin. It was made out of spruce wood, and had a bed, some blankets, and pillows already in it. It was abandoned, but Cinder found it when exploring around one day and claimed it as hers.

A weather-beaten sign hung above the door saying "Cinder's Cabin". Cinder smiled at the small piece of wood, she had made that when she was twelve years old. She carved into the wood, with her first and only sword. The one that she's been using to fight Malifimus. That was only three years ago. Or was it four? Her birthday usually came around when tulips bloomed...

Cinder made out a blonde lock of hair from the corner of her eye. Prince Persius stood there with a grin on his face. He must have followed her here. Cinder opened the door and went inside the small cabin, setting her bag of stuff down. This was her home. Her own, no one could kick her out of here.

Persius came up from behind her, and hugged her, wiping the tears that still rolled down her cheeks away. Cinder sank into his arms, for once she wasn't as strong as she was in battle, and she just felt like staying in Persius's arms forever.

He lifted her chin, and looked into Cinder's golden eyes. Persius leaned in, kissing Cinder gently trying to stop the tears that still came out of her eyes. Cinder wiped the rest of the tears away from her eyes, and sat in a small wooden chair.

Persius sat on his knees and wrapped an arm around Cinder. Cinder looked into his emerald green eyes, and layed her head on his shoulder. They started talking, taking Cinder's mind off of the day's events.

Hours past, full of laughter, joy, and love. Cinder loved to be around Persius, and Persius loved to be around Cinder. They were made for each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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