Sonic and Shadow

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It was a beautiful day in Soledad the sun was shining and a cool breeze had just came through.

The water was warm, birds chirping in the valley where the willows were weeping and the purple flowers were in bloom.  The rocky Gabilan mountains out in the distance.  On the Sandy banks under two trees  a black hedgehog who had red stripes was sitting down, he was starring at his reflection in the river.  He had ruby red eyes, shoes, socks  and gloves on and he had two inhibitor rings on his wrists
And two on his shoes where part of the sock sticks out.  His quills were curved up ward and he had red stripes on them only on the top part. His  name is Shadow.

A Blue hedgehog was with him he was standing away from the other. He had a peach circle on his stomach, his arms were also peach and he had some peach where his mouth and nose is and also inside his ears. His eyes are an emerald green.

Just like the black hedgehog, he wore shoes and gloves. His shoes were regular sneakers, red and white. His quills were pointed down.  His gloves were white.  His name is Sonic.

Sonic: Shadow?

Shadow: yeah?
(Shadow continued to look at his reflection.)

Sonic: why are we out here?

Shadow then looked over at Sonic. His ruby red eyes looked into Sonic's emerald green eyes. 

Shadow: you know why we're out here..

Sonic: Tell me again please, I forgot.

Shadow: oh alright.  GUN is after me. They are now gonna kill you too since you helped me get away.
It all started early this morning.

- 5 am in the morning.-

Shadow went back to GUN after a mission he had completed.
(GUN is basically an agency that is like a military but they fight off aliens who invade and try to keep humans captive and also have them as livestock, they also help save lives and battle terrorists.)  The commander of GUN , Abraham Towers  decided that Shadow was now a threat to humanity since he became a lot more powerful he knew he had to be stopped for good.
(Shadow was really working for them  he wasn't on anyone else's side. He isn't evil.) Once Shadow got to the commander's office, he did the salute sign.  Shadow: Sir, I completed  my mission, those terrorists are gone for now. 

Abraham: Good work, Shadow.
I need you to wait outside.

Shadow: Yes sir.

Shadow turned around and walked away after putting his hand down from his forehead. 

Shadow didn't know it but the commander had called for a fleet of GUN soldiers to surround him once he was outside.

Shadow waited by a street light.
All of a sudden some GUN  soldiers surrounded the black hedgehog. They pointed their guns at him.

Shadow's ears bent down in fright.

Shadow: ugh hey guys....

GUN soldier:  Prepare to die, hedgehog.

Shadow could tell he was being serious, he didn't want to fight them, there were too many. He could do his chaos blast move but that would prove he were evil.
All of a sudden a blue spike ball hit all of the soldiers, knocking them out.
Sonic stood in front of Shadow.
Shadow quickly took  Sonic's hand.

The commander watched the two through a security camera.

Shadow then quickly ran out of there with Sonic. 
He let go of Sonic's hand once the two were far away from GUN's head quarters.

Shadow: Sonic, thanks for saving me. I appreciate it but now GUN will be after you too....

Sonic: your welcome, why was GUN trying to kill you?

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