The lab

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Gary walked back over to Shadow.

Gary: I have bad news... Your not gonna like it at all.

Shadow: let me guess, your gonna have to put me down as in your gonna kill me?

Gary: No, I'm not doing that. I swear.

Shadow: ok, what is it?

Gary: I need to sew the cut back up....
I am gonna have to knock you out so you won't feel any pain while I stitch the cut together.

Shadow: What about Sonic?

Gary: Sonic doesn't need stitches, he just needs the dry blood cleaned off, disinfectant spray and some band aids.

Shadow: ok.

Gary: Jerry, can you take care of Sonic's cuts while I take care of Shadow's cut that's on his back?

Jerry nodded and got the things that Gary said Sonic needed.

Gary cleaned the dry blood off Shadow's back, quill and head.

Gary wiped away the last bit of dark green blood with a wash cloth, he was gentle so he wouldn't hurt Shadow.

Gary: ok now to sew up the cut on your back.

Shadow: ok, do what you got to do.

Gary: Well I'm not gonna use the injection needle to knock you out, are you afraid of gas masks?

Shadow: Not really, I'm not scared of a gas mask, it isn't gonna kill me, is it?

Gary: I promise the gas mask will not kill you, it'll only knock you out for a half hour.

Shadow: ok.

Gary got the gas mask ready.

Sonic's cuts were bandaged up with band aids. Sonic walked over to Shadow while Gary got the gas mask.

Sonic stood beside Shadow and gently stroked Shadow's quills.

Shadow looked up at Sonic and smiled.
He purred as Sonic stroked his quills.

Sonic smiled back.

Sonic stood back when Gary came back over with the gas mask.

Gary: Shadow, you ready?

Shadow perked his head up.

Shadow: Yeah I'm ready.

Gary: ok.

Gary put the gas mask over Shadow's head and over his mouth and nose.

Shadow looked back at Sonic for a moment. His eyes closed and he was fast asleep.

Gary took the gas mask off of Shadow.

Shadow was in a deep sleep, he was snoring a bit.

Sonic: Is he gonna be ok?

Gary: Yeah, he's gonna be just fine.
Well at least he should be. After his back is stitched up, your gonna have to be careful. Sometimes there is a weak spot, a place where he can get easily pained, even the slightest touch could cause harm to that one spot. It's usually a fifty out of one hundred chance for it but it does happen.

Sonic: ok, I'll leave you two be.
He looked up at Jerry as he approached the blue hedgehog.

Jerry held Sonic's hand and walked him out of the room.

It took Gary twenty minutes to sew Shadow's wound up. Once he was done, he was proud of his stitching, it was hard to tell where the wound was since the stitches was the same black as Shadow's fur.

Shadow awoke twenty minutes later.

Shadow: Oh hey, Gary.

Gary: Did you sleep well?

Shadow: yeah, where did Sonic and Jerry go?

Gary: I think their outside waiting for us. I'l go see.

Gary left the room to go look for Sonic and Jerry. He closed the door behind him so Shadow was safe in the room.

Gary walked down the hall and out to the front of the building. He ran into Jerry. Jerry fell back.

Gary stood up and helped his friend up.

Gary: sorry about that. Where's Sonic?

Jerry: in the jeep, we were in the jeep waiting for you to come out. I just got out to see if Shadow was ok.

Gary: He's fine, he's awake.

Jerry: ok I'll go get Sonic.

Jerry came back with Sonic a minute later.

Sonic: is Shadow alright?

Gary: Yeah, he's fine. He's awake. Come on let's go back.

- lab-

Shadow was patiently waiting for the three to come back.
There wasn't much for him to do so he just sat on the table.

The door opened. Sonic, Gary and Jerry came in to the room.

Sonic walked over to Shadow.

Sonic: Shadow!

Shadow looked up at him and smiled a little, he was glad to see him.

Sonic smiled back. He was happy to see that Shadow was alright.

Sonic looked back at Jerry.

Sonic: Does he have to see the commander. now?

Jerry: Geez I almost forgot about that....

Just then, the door opened. The commander was standing in the door way.

Shadow had a bad feeling. It was so strong that it couldn't be ignored.

Sonic felt the same way. He held Shadow's right hand in his left.

Commander Towers: What are they doing here?

Jerry: Well we found them beat up in a barn, in the hay loft. Shadow had a deep cut on his back...

Commander Towers: Deep cut huh?
He seems to be ok.

Gary: umm yeah that's because I sewed the cut... He was hurt pretty bad, the mark never healed, it stopped bleeding but never healed. He also had dry blood on him, mostly on his head.

Commander Towers: Why didn't you tell me?

Garry: No phone reception and our phones died plus the walkie talkies only do a short distance range.

Commander Towers: Hmmm I see.

Sonic didn't say anything.
Shadow didn't say anything either.
He was a bit scared.

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