The horrible rest stop

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Shadow's deep cuts were all healed by now. Sonic was getting really tired.
He found an old barn house to sleep in. There wasn't anything in there, just a brown floor, a hay loft where two bails of hay were, the wall was painted an orange color and one long line of blue was on the walls.

Mephiles and Metal Sonic were up in the hay loft, Mephiles was watching the two hedgehogs, he looked over to Metal.

Mephiles whispered to Metal: Looks like our guests have arrived. Let's go welcome them. I'll grab them by surprise then you come and help with the blue hedgehog. We are to kill the blue hedgehog but we have to knock Shadow out. Shadow is wanted by GUN and they want him alive. 

Metal nodded. He got the plan straight.
The two watched Sonic and Shadow.

Shadow awoke, he was still in Sonic's arms.

Shadow: where are we?

Sonic: just a place to stop and rest. I'm too tired to go any further.

Shadow was gently set down on the ground, he stood up next to Sonic on Sonic's right side, all of a sudden some thing grabbed them, claws dug in to Sonic's right arm, Shadow held Sonic's hand as Mephile's left hand dug his claws in Shadow's red stripe that was on top of his head( like in the picture above.) Crimson blood came spilling out of the cut Mephiles had made in Sonic's arm. Green blood spilled from the slash marks Mephiles left in Shadow, some splashed on to the hand Mephiles used to dig into Sonic.

Metal came down and held on to the small quill on Sonic's head. His sharp metal fingers dug into sonic's quill, more Crimson blood spilled. Mephiles had cut part of Shadow's face ( under Shadow's left eye and also part of Shadow's quill.

Shadow took a really deep cut to the back, knocking him out instantly. He was losing a lot of blood but he's immortal so he was gonna be alright.

Once Shadow's eyes started to close, Mephiles cut into Sonic's stomach, it was really deep. Blood oozing out.
Sonic was then pushed to the ground.

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