Chapter 11

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Tobias POV

I wake up all of a sudden. Tris. I look around to see if she is still here. No one is with me. I lay back down and sigh, it must have been a dream. Though the dream felt so real... even though it was kind of fuzzy I remember it very clearly. I must have pinched myself 10 times last night to make sure it was real, I felt it all but she's not here though I can smell her scent on the sheets. I saw her dead body a few weeks ago. I try to make sense of it all, I rub the back of my neck thinking. At least I told her how I felt, dream or not. I cover my eyes and remember it all, I can still feel her lips against mine. Feeling her arms around me, listening to her heartbeat.

   I can tell I'm about to cry again, my throat tightens up again. I really didn't want to wake up from the dream, running away with her sounded like such a perfect idea. I guess it felt real because I can control my simulations so maybe I controlled my dream. I remember telling her that I love her, and to hear her say that she loves me too... it start bringing tears to my eyes. I sit up and throw my pillow across the room, I yell her name... God I wish she was here. I would have continued my breakdown if I didn't see something fall onto the floor. I try to think about what I did last night, I realize it's a piece of paper so I get up and pick it off the floor. It's blank so I turn it to the other side and read, "I love you. Be Brave."

   I drop the paper and look at it on the floor. I don't really know how to explain it, I don't even know if this is a joke or not. I just can't believe it. I sit on the floor and just hold the note close to me, was I really dreaming last night? Before I can do anything else I hear a knock on the door. I slide the note in my pocket, I don't want to tell anyone because they might think I went crazy. Besides, I want to try to make sense of all of this before I say anything.

Tris POV

   I wake up back in my regular bed, I quietly cry out. I remember Amar getting me in the middle of the night, I tried to reason with him to let me stay a little longer but he told me I already spent too much time here. I didn't want to make a scene because I didn't want to mess up with getting another chance, so I left without fighting them. Last night was... just perfect. Bittersweet actually, but still I got to see everyone one last time. I look at the time and see that this is when everyone usually gets up so I get up from my bed and run down to the camera room.

   I get there and jump on the chair, turning to the camera that has Tobias on it. Once he wakes up he starts looking around, probably realizing everything about last night. Hopefully he still thinks it's a dream, I didn't really take much of a chance of telling him the truth. I threw out hints that I was still alive, but I knew Amar was watching me so I made them subtle hints. All of a sudden he starts crying again, it breaks my heart to see him cry but I can fully understand it now. Usually we're both strong people, but without each other we both tend to be not ourselves.

   He throws the pillow and yells my name. My heart races. I know that this is the moment where everything changes. For better or for worse. I see a piece of paper fly through the air and land gently on the floor. I look at it and then look at him, I softly whisper, "Pick it up Tobias.... Pick it up." I watch the monitor and see that he also realized something is on the floor. He goes over to the paper and picks it up, I wait to see his reaction. My heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest.

   The paper slowly falls to the floor and he slowly sits on the floor with it. That's it. He knows. He has to know, or at least have some type of idea. I got the idea to write something when I was with Caleb last night. Caleb is an Erudite, my aptitude test also tested for Erudite. I had to think of the logical and sneakiest way I could tell Tobias. Caleb always has paper besides him, he gets relief from studying and learning. So last second I decided to grab a piece of paper and write on it. Now Tobias knows I'm alive, or is starting to process there's a chance last night wasn't a dream. I smile and slowly walk back to my room, I did it.

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