Chapter 3. Dinner Invitation

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I woke up the next morning with a major headache. I went into my bathroom and looked around for some Advil or something. When I couldn't find any, I knew there was some in a kitchen cabinet. 

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing black spandex and a campus tee from PINK that was olive green. My hair was up in a messy bun and I'd left my mascara on from yesterday because I was too lazy to take it off last night. 

I flicked the light off in my bathroom and headed down stairs to the kitchen. As I approached the large kitchen, I heard some talking and slowly stopped behind a wall to listen. 

"Well, Mrs. Dallas, I am very excited to have you and your family over for dinner tonight." I heard my mom say. 

I widened my eyes and peered around the corner. My mom and another lady were sitting at the kitchen table with some coffee cups in front of them. I took in a breath and stepped into the kitchen.

"Hey, Mom." I said, stopping behind the island. My mom and the lady looked over at me.

"You must be, Anna. Right?" the lady asked. I nodded and looked over at my mom with a confused look on my face. 

"Anna, this is Mrs. Dallas. She and her family just moved in to the house next door to us." my mom explained. 

So she was Cameron's mom. 

"Hi." I said, waving at Mrs. Dallas. 

"Hi." she replied. I walked over to the cabinet that held the medicine and stuff and grabbed the Advil.

"Anna, why are you wearing that?" I heard my grandmother ask behind me. 

I got off my tip-toes and turned around, leaning back on the counter.

"Because, Grandma, I was sleeping a couple minutes ago and I don't really think I should change into some pretty clothes just so I can come down here and get some Advil for a headache." I snapped. "That was probably from you." I added, walking past her and out of the kitchen. 

I heard my mom yell my name from the kitchen as I went up the stairs and back to my room. I got a small cup that I had in my bathroom and filled it with water from the sink. I put one pill in my mouth and swallowed it, putting the cup on the counter and closing my eyes. 

A few seconds later, I walked out to my balcony and leaned down on it. Not that I had to lean down that far. It was about nine in the morning and the sun was directly shining in my face. I squinted to try and block it out. I heard a whistle to my right and looked over. Cameron was on his balcony too, with just some shorts on. 

"Hi, Cameron." I said, giving him a small wave. 

"Hi, whatever your name is." he said, smiling at me. I'd forgotten that I didn't tell him my name. 

"You know, your mom's in my kitchen. Apparently, you and your family are coming over for dinner." I said, turning to face him. He raised his eyebrows at me.



"Well, I guess that works out perfectly. I get to see you again." he said. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Sure, Cam. Sure." I replied, looking to where the ocean was. 

When I looked back where Cameron was, he gave me a small wave before disappearing into his room. I walked into my room too and flopped down on my bed. I heard my phone go off with a notification sound. I grabbed it from my bedside table and looked at it. It was a notification from YouTube, letting me know that someone had subscribed to my channel. 

Yep, I had a YouTube channel. A pretty basic one. I did challenges with my friends, vlogging, beauty guru things, Q&A's, sit-down videos, you get the idea. But, I did have just a little over a million subscribers. I saw who had subscribed to me: Cameron Dallas. 

I let out a sigh and put my phone next to me on the bed. I grabbed my laptop and went onto YouTube, then searched Cameron's channel. His most recent video was 'A Positive Message'. I clicked on it and watched it, then went to some of his other videos. 

I watched some with Nash, all of his #20DaysofDallas, and his 'Ask Cam' videos. I think I watched them for a couple hours because the next time I checked the clock, it was 12:54. 

I closed my laptop and stood up from my bed, then went downstairs to the kitchen to find some lunch (peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Pringles, and some Tart Cherry Lemonade) sitting out for me on the counter. I smiled, knowing Hayley had made it for me. She was the only one who knew that I liked that type of lemonade. 

I took the tray into the living room to watch some TV and found the TV was already on. I walked around the couch to find Cameron sitting there. 

"Cameron?" I asked, setting the tray down on the coffee table. He looked over at me.

"Hey. My mom told me to come over here because she doesn't 'trust me at home' and my sister is out. Plus, your parents are very nice people." he said. I sighed and sat down next to him, pulling the tray with me. We were about three inches apart on the leather couch.

"What is this?" I asked, pointing at the TV as I reached forward to get my sandwich. 

"That 70's Show." Cameron replied. I leaned back into the couch with my sandwich in my hand.

"What?" I asked, taking a bite of the sandwich. Cameron looked at me.

"You haven't heard of this?" he asked, motioning to the TV. I shook my head and looked at him. He cracked a smile, shook his head, then took my sandwich out of my hand.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as he took a bite. I stole it back from him and glared at him. He was laughing as he chewed. 

"Oops." he said after he finished. I rolled my eyes and took another bite. 

"Did you want a sip of my drink too?" I teased, holding up my cup that held the lemonade. He looked at it before reaching forward and taking it from my hand. I widened my eyes as he took a sip and handed it back to me.

"You offered." he said, shrugging his shoulders. I hit his arm and let out an angry sigh.

"I hate you." I mumbled.

"I hate you too." he smirked, nudging me a little. 

The doorbell rang five hours later, and I answered. I was wearing a knee-length teal dress with some wide shoulder sleeves that my mother made me put on. To accessorize, I had some white jewelry and some white heels that made me the height of 5'7". 

My hair was straightened and reached just above my butt. I opened the door and saw Cameron, his mom, and another girl standing there. Cam was wearing black pants, a white T-shirt, and some black Converse. He looked pretty good. 

"Hey, guys. Come on in." I said, stepping out of the doorway. Cameron stepped in first, looking at me up and down as he did. I felt myself blush as his mom and the girl stepped in. 

"Hello, Anna. This is my daughter, Sierra." She motioned to the girl, who was really pretty. "I haven't fully introduced myself. I'm Gina." she said, extending a hand. I smiled and shook it, closing the door. We'd given the servants and everybody the night off. 

"Hi, Sierra." I said, moving to the daughter. She smiled and shook my hand. I led them to the dining room where my parents were waiting. Some hosts they were. 

"Ah, so nice of you to make it." my mom said, holding her hands out to hug them. 

After all the hugs and name exchanging had been done, Cameron and I took our seats as everybody else went in the kitchen to get the food. Cam had chosen for his seat to be right next to me. This was going to be a fun night. 

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